Zornitsa Stoyanova

Dance, performance, devised and often instantly composed
Bulgaria, United States (residence), Bulgaria (citizenship) °1982
research interests: performance, improvisation for performance, emergent meaning, honesty, performance presence, somatics, movement, instant composing, emergent voice, voice in dance, emergent poetry, dance and voice, feminist art, emergence theory, feminist dramaturgy
affiliation: COMMA MA in Choreography, Fontys and Codarts

I make performance using all that I am here and now in this space with this audience.  My work follows emergent forms of instant composition and I work in traditional and non-traditional spaces.  You can find me telling nonlinear stories in galleries, doing lecture demonstrations about Presence at Universities, and performing my work in theaters.  I am interested in unveiling the sense of otherness all humans experience in different aspects, and through this shared vulnerability creating safe, magical, and often fun experiences.  

My company is called BodyMeld and I live between USA and Bulgaria.




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