Thomas Forrer is a senior lecturer (Oberassistent) of Cultural Studies at the University of Lucerne. 2005-2011 he was a scientific assistent of German Literature at the University of Zürich, where he recieved his Ph.D. with the dissertation Schauplatz/Landschaft – Orte der Genese von Wissenschaften und Künsten um 1750 (Göttingen: Wallstein 2013), a study which traces the theatralic descent of modern landscape: in the 18th century a natural stage for the emergence of knowledge and arts. Thomas Forrer published essays on Walter Benjamin, Friedrich Nietzsche and on the history of rhythm. He is co-editor of the books: Wo ist Kultur? – Perspektiven der Kulturanalyse (Zürich: vdf 2014) and Der Witz der Philologie – Rhetorik – Poetik – Edition (Frankfurt a. M.: Stroemfeld 2014).