Arild Berg is Professor of Artistic Research. He has worked with art in various cross-disciplinary contexts, such as with site-specific art projects for Public Art Norway (KORO), the use of art in mental healthcare settings, and developing teaching methods based on form and colour for dental technicians. The core of his research is an expanded use of art in society. He has a Doctor of Arts degree in contemporary art from Aalto University: Artistic Research in Public Space: Participation in Material-based Art. He works at Faculty of Technology, Art and Design at OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University. He has been Vice Dean for Research and Development at the Faculty of Technology, Art and Design, including for five departments: Department of Mechanical, Electronic and Chemical Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering and Energy Technology, Department of Computer Science, Department of Art, Design and Drama and Department of Product Design. He was project leader in establishing the interdisciplinary PhD Program 'Engineering Science'.Info: