Cyborg Gaia Allies -LARP
(last edited: 2022)
author(s): Lina Persson, Josephine Rydberg
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
This LARP is a step into the story world Cyborg Gaia. Cyborg Gaia is a possible future, sustainable and climate just. This future sends messages of sorts to the present that, if deciphered correctly, will help make this future happen. The players of the scenario will become sensitized in order to become Gaia interpreters or Gaia allies.
Your character is alarmed by the approaching climate collapse, and concerned about biodiversity and ecological sustainability. But word battles in the media exhaust you, as does activism and corporate sabotage. Lately you’ve been having dreams, and as you wake up, a sense of purpose and clarity just about manages to leave as you become fully awake. You keep an object at your bedside table, and holding it calms you. Then one morning, you wake up and remember everything. You’ve chosen to listen to a calling, a calling that will manifest in the near future. You feel happy that the longing and frustration you’ve experienced will come to an end, and you will have a chance to fulfill your purpose and full potential. When the calling arrives, it is not particularly dramatic or mysterious, but in the shape of a rather prosaic email titled “Cyborg Gaia calling”. The email leads you to the meeting, that is the scenario.
This LARP is a collaboration between Lina Persson and Josephine Rydberg.