my name is pavleheidler. i go by pavle or pav. i was born in a country that doesn’t exist, the city that is now capital to croatia, a popular tourist attraction. i identify as trans non-binary, my pronouns are they/them, and i am neuroqueer (adhd/autism).
i like to say that i am a movement-and-word artist and activist, an educator, and a queer critical thinker who specialises in developing research-oriented performative practices within the expanding fields of dance and choreography. my work-ing is meant to be encouraging of the continual re-form-ing in and of the intersectional and the emergent field of queer critical practice.
i think that the practices i am developing are first and foremost embodied practices which necessarily makes them liberatory practices which necessarily makes them emergent practices in as much as working with the body, creating space for the body–*or: body–*necessitates critical observation and the re-thinking of the existing structures that currently create spaces for bodies.