WALKING BETWEEN WOR[L]DS WITH LINES is a workshop. It was delivered at Convocation II, Vienna, 2023, a gathering arranged and facilitated by the Language-Based Artistic Research Group.
The objective of this research is to explore how, in the absence of vision, the body, language and landscape combine to form a particular type of cartographic, text-informed, mental image in the mind, that is both a record of movement and a score for future object intra-actions.
Ordinarily, I fill the role of blindfolded navigator, with a colleague playing the role of the sighted interlocutor. This activity flipped these roles, enabling me to utilise the experience I have acquired through navigating many forests without sight, to assist participants in navigating blindfold through the landscape of Convocation II, Zentrum Fokus Forschung (ZFF). The blurring of physical site and temporal event is deliberate here, the activity of navigating blindfolded with the body generatively blending with psychic travel in the mind. This is an opportunity for participants to think about how vision enables a particular version of the wor[l]d, and to speculate on what other kinds of wor[l]d might be possible in vision’s absence.