
The relation of Verdi’s operas and development of western opera performing practices in China (2022)

Hanqing Zhou
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open exposition

About this exposition

As long as I can remember, from a young childhood, I have always wanted to be a Verdi singer. It is undoubtful that Verdi opera plays an important role in the history of classical opera. Since 1949, and Verdi’s operas have been playing a significant role in the development of the western classical opera market in China. During the past two decades, we can see increasingly numbers of Chinese classical singers who are showing up on the international opera stages. Having a closer look at those singers, it is striking that they often present themselves singing Verdi’s music at a high level. This research aims to discover the relation between Verdi’s opera and the development of the western classical opera performing practice in China. By reading articles and books, I try to look for the reasons why Verdi’s operas seem to be so widely appreciated by the Chinese Audience. I have also done interviews with seven professionally engaged and internationally well-known singers and directors. These interviews give me information from different perspectives that will be discussed in the research.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsbel canto, Giuseppe Verdi, musical and artistic development, audiences, opera, china
last modified11/07/2022
statuslimited publication
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copyrightAll rights reserved
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
published inKC Research Portal
portal issue3. Internal publication

Simple Media

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1517233 image1 copyright holder CC BY-NC-ND
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1517235 image3 copyright holder CC BY-NC-ND
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comments: 1 (last entry by Gerda van Zelm - 18/02/2022 at 17:23)