
Atlas de Anatomia (last edited: 2023)

Marina Vale Guedes

About this exposition

PT O desenho faz parte da história da Anatomia e serviu, durante vários séculos, como um instrumento complementar da observação e representação do corpo humano. Foi através do desenho que se documentou a evolução de um percurso carregado de descobertas, no qual se destaca a importância da representação como um veículo revelador do conhecimento e das teorias desenvolvidas por médicos e anatomistas. Atualmente, e apesar do aparecimento da fotografia e consequente evolução tecnológica, o desenho continua a fazer parte do estudo da anatomia marcando presença nos manuais utilizados pelos estudantes. A sua importância é tão preponderante para o entendimento das estruturas anatómicas que alguns estudantes de medicina procuram replicar as ilustrações observadas nos atlas com o objetivo de entender e memorizar a sua morfologia, posicionamento e respetiva nomenclatura. O renovado interesse pela prática do desenho motivou a criação deste atlas de referências visuais, dedicado aos estudantes da unidade curricular de Desenho e Observação para Médicos, a partir do qual se procura por um lado criar uma contextualização histórica sobre a prática do desenho associada ao estudo da anatomia e por outro problematizar a exploração das técnicas e estratégias gráficas utilizadas na análise e representação do corpo humano. EN Drawing is an essential part in Anatomy’s history and served, for several centuries, as a complementary instrument to observe and represent the human body. It was through drawing that the evolution of a path laden with discoveries, in which the importance of representation was a vehicle to reveal knowledge and theories developed by physicians and anatomists. Despite the later appearance of photography and the consequent technological progress linked with it, drawing continues to be present in the manuals used by students as a standard tool to understand human anatomy. Its importance is sometimes so overpowering for understanding anatomical structures that some medical students choose to replicate the illustrations seen in anatomy books to understand and memorize their morphology, positioning, and respective nomenclature. The renewed interest in the practice of drawing motivated the creation of this visual atlas, dedicated to students of the module Drawing and Observation for Physicians. The main objectives were, on the one hand, to create a historical context about the practice of drawing associated with the study of anatomy and, on the other hand, problematize the exploration of graphic techniques and strategies used in the analysis and representation of the human body.
typeresearch exposition
last modified11/05/2023
statusin progress
share statuspublic
copyrightMarina Vale Guedes
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
connected toi2ADS - Research Institute in Art, Design and Society

Simple Media

id name copyright license
2010183 figura_10 Ford, Brian J.– Images of Science: a history os scientific illustration. Londres: The British Library, 1992 Public domain
2010250 default Wellcome Library, London Public domain
2010277 default Wellcome Library, London Public domain
2010302 Screenshot 2022-02-17 at 19.21.40 Ford, Brian J. – Images of Science: a history of scientific illustration, p._. Londres: The British Library, 1992. Public domain
2062833 Screenshot 2023-04-04 at 11.09.51 https://www.researchgate.net/publica- tion/40898355_Illustration_of_the_heart_and_ blood_ves- sels_in_medieval_times Public domain
2073564 Sieben_weise_Meister,_Dirmstein_1471_Seite_55r Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository Public domain
2075661 zodiac-man-egerton2572 British Library Public domain
2075821 Mondino_Dei_Luzzi_1541_Female_Reproductive_Tract Wikimedia commons Public domain
2077684 262917-1333102590 https://repositorio.ul.pt/handle/10451/989 Public domain
2077709 figura 1 https://repositorio.ul.pt/handle/10451/989 Public domain
2077810 Screenshot 2023-04-13 at 11.57.14 https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.3138/9781442678477-004/html Public domain
2077876 main-imageg Metmuseum Public domain
2086612 vesalius University of Toronto Libraries Public domain
2086639 vesalius University of Toronto Libraries Public domain
2087140 berengario_p72v Universidad Complutense Madrid Public domain
2087312 DP257234 The Met Public domain
2087590 Andre Heidelberg historic literature – digitized Public domain
2087604 Andre Heidelberg University Library Public domain
2087678 Screenshot 2023-04-17 at 15.51.19 Museu do Universo da Farmácia Public domain
2087713 Eustachi_t09 Historical Anatomies on the Web Public domain
2087714 Eustachi_t13 Historical Anatomies on the Web Public domain
2087716 Eustachi_t18 Historical Anatomies on the Web Public domain
2087717 Eustachi_t19 Historical Anatomies on the Web Public domain
2087736 Hunterw_table_06 Historical Anatomies on the Web Public domain
2091842 albinus-bernhard-siegfried-tabulae-sceleti-et-musculorum-corporis-humani-1749-5ff692-1024 https://garystockbridge617.getarchive.net/amp/media/albinus-bernhard-siegfried-tabulae-sceleti-et-musculorum-corporis-humani-1749-5ff692 Public domain
2091949 main-image The Met Public domain
2091950 main-imageo The Met Public domain
2091951 dfdf The Met Public domain
2091952 dffsd The Met Public domain
2091953 rwfew The Met Public domain
2115562 2007_NYR_01885_0165_000(023508) Christie's Public domain
2119592 células SciHi Blog Public domain
2119653 default Wellcome Collection Public domain
2119672 disarticulation-phanlanges-1600 Old Book Illustrations Public domain
2119797 Screenshot 2023-05-04 at 11.38.28 Internet Archive Public domain
2119798 Screenshot 2023-05-04 at 11.38.47 Internet Archive Public domain
2119799 Screenshot 2023-05-04 at 11.38.52 Internet Archive Public domain
2120021 Screenshot 2023-05-04 at 12.41.57 Wellcome Collection Public domain
2120088 291-heuer-optic-lesion-300ppi SciArt Initiative Public domain
2120106 04SCIB-superJumbo Netter Images/Elsevier Inc. Public domain
2130681 figura 4a Biodigital Public domain
2130685 figura 4b Biodigital Public domain
2130688 figura 4c Biodigital Public domain

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