
(Un)Realised Projects (last edited: 2025)

Zoe Panagiota (aka Betty) Nigianni

About this exposition

"Unlike unrealized architectural projects, which are frequently exhibited and circulated, unrealized artworks tend to remain unnoticed or little known. But perhaps there is another form of artistic agency in the partial expression, the incomplete idea, the projection of a mere intention? Agency of Unrealized Projects (AUP) seeks to document and display these works, in this way charting the terrain of a contingent future." From AUP-eflux Archive In painting, the artist can also be a model for the artwork. In performance art, artist and model come together for the performance. The exposition explores the role of figuration in contemporary art. Some of the material was selected for my participation in conceptual artist's Janine Antoni workshop, "Loving Care", Performance Matters: Performing Idea, Toynbee Studios, Whitechapel Gallery, London, 2010. With essay about Marina Abramovic's work, published at eflux/Art and Education papers, 2012; originally presented as a conference paper at the Yale Centre for British Art, 2010, slides including the artist's writings. Fragments of the research for the installation project, developed in the studio and through my participation in urban research workshops, have been archived at AUP-eflux Archive.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsInstallation Art, Painting, design, architecture, performance, Sculpture, pilgrimage, abstraction, figure, Sacred
last modified27/01/2025
statusin progress
share statuspublic
licenseAll rights reserved
languageBritish English
external linkhttps://aup.e-flux.com/about/


comments: 1 (last entry by Zoe Panagiota (aka Betty) Nigianni - 22/03/2023 at 22:55)