Contiguous (Enlightenment Panel no 1)
author(s): Zoe Panagiota (aka Betty) Nigianni
published in: Research Catalogue
Painting, digital video with dance performance, 2010-2011. Apartment renovation in central Athens (with Sean A. Hladkyj), 2016-17.
1. What happens at the borders where two colours meet? Purposefully exposing by meticulously smudging the edges of painted surfaces shows that there is a small area at the margins that remains undecided.
2. How do we formalise external sensory information? Experimenting with painterly techniques, such as pouring paint directly onto paper and moving the paper around to apply liquid paint, for the larger painting, I methodically applied processes of rationalisation and abstraction for painting a tree branch from life.
The research for the painting and the final work were produced during a painting workshop at the Slade School of Fine Art. The digital video was recorded at one of the rehearsals for a dance performance by choreographer J. Y. Corti at the London Contemporary Dance School.
The title "Enlightenment Panel" comes from Peter Sloterdijk's 'Critique of Cynical Reason', published in 1983, which critically discusses philosophical and popular cynicism.
MONUMENTS / Les frontières qui établissent les normes qui nous fondent n’existent pas ici
author(s): Audrey Beaulé
published in: Research Catalogue
Tout a débuté par un désir et ce qui m’apparaissait comme une nécessité: tenter une relecture queer et féministe de l’abstraction.
Spatial awareness in instrumental music: Transformations of attention in a situation, becoming musical structure.
author(s): Nikos Kokolakis
published in: KC Research Portal
Even though the idea that “space and spatial experience as aesthetically central” regarding its sonic attributes is a central topic in acousmatic music, it is also of interest for orchestral composers, especially from 20th century onwards. The sound of the 20th century is so broad that gives today’s composers the potential of exploring a vast richness of “first heard” structures, that came as a result of the experiments and achievements of the past, and consequently to form their personal voice which can be relevant to it and capable to converse with it. A greater level of abstraction is needed in order to manage to condense what this knowledge offers to us and the consideration of space during the composition procedure seems to provide us a good starting point since many of the attributes of contemporary music could be included in it. Additionally it seems that a greater level of abstraction would not necessarily make the music less accessible to the audiences if such systems of abstraction take into account research into human physiology and considers the every-day environment. Regarding space in a macro structural level can provide us with the appropriate means to create an experience based on its phenomenology while contemplating its micro structure can lead us to results which are unifying sound qualities that otherwise could be considered to belong in different scopes.
(Un)Realised Projects
(last edited: 2025)
author(s): Zoe Panagiota (aka Betty) Nigianni
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
"Unlike unrealized architectural projects, which are frequently exhibited and circulated, unrealized artworks tend to remain unnoticed or little known. But perhaps there is another form of artistic agency in the partial expression, the incomplete idea, the projection of a mere intention? Agency of Unrealized Projects (AUP) seeks to document and display these works, in this way charting the terrain of a contingent future."
From AUP-eflux Archive
In painting, the artist can also be a model for the artwork. In performance art, artist and model come together for the performance. The exposition explores the role of figuration in contemporary art.
Some of the material was selected for my participation in conceptual artist's Janine Antoni workshop, "Loving Care", Performance Matters: Performing Idea, Toynbee Studios, Whitechapel Gallery, London, 2010.
With essay about Marina Abramovic's work, published at eflux/Art and Education papers, 2012; originally presented as a conference paper at the Yale Centre for British Art, 2010, slides including the artist's writings.
Fragments of the research for the installation project, developed in the studio and through my participation in urban research workshops, have been archived at AUP-eflux Archive.
Meta-Landscapes: Expressions of Temporal Consciousness, New Abstractions in Photography
(last edited: 2015)
author(s): Jason Engelund
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Artist Jason Engelund approaches photography by addressing psychological frameworks of different world-time views, and shifts in perceptions of time during individual events. The notion of a “visual time signature” is proposed, a phrase to describe types of temporal consciousness, incorporating cultural and individual time perception as they relate to cognition, experience, and image. Expressions of the “meta-landscape” encompassing both the psychological landscape and actual landscape are pictured and discussed.