
Elsa - New Reactive Earth (last edited: 2024)

Lina Persson

About this exposition

This is a snapshot of the Storyworld New Reactive Earth, from March 2024. This worldbuilding began in 2011 when a collaboration with Prof. Ronald Mallett evoked in me how his time travel theory could enable future generations to confront how the present depletes the Earth. This made the conflict tangible and resistance possible, prompting me to continue developing this concept through methods of CO2 limitations and collective sharing in collaborations and interventions. Experimentation with limiting bodily access to energy and resources helped embody the storyworld's speculative premises. Slowing down breath, heart rate, and metabolism achieved an altered state that attuned me further to the relations and how I am entangled in my environment. Through iterative interplay, this speculative 'introverse' and my everyday environments have shaped each other. With the included prompt cards I invite you to join this shaping, to extend this interplay to your own environment. This Storyworld is neither a utopia nor a dystopia but a transtopia—a place to go through in order to get beyond current realities, get a glimpse of what else could be. Follow the developments of NRE at researchcatalogue.net/view/266314 /266339 NEW REACTIVE EARTH MATERIALS: STORYWORLD BIBLE STORYWORLD MAP STORYWORLD PROMPT CARDS
typeresearch exposition
last modified30/05/2024
statusin progress
share statuspublic
copyrightlina persson
licenseAll rights reserved
connected toStockholm University of the Arts (SKH)

Simple Media

id name copyright license
268768 tempus Lina Persson All rights reserved
268261 OUTSOURCING ANIMATION Lina Persson All rights reserved
268248 export_1 Lina Persson All rights reserved
266342 reef Lina Persson All rights reserved
266340 sjölilja Lina All rights reserved
447268 ABSTRACT lina persson All rights reserved
447272 Forskningsplan med projektbeskrivning LINA All rights reserved
508090 Forskningsplan med projektbeskrivning lina persson All rights reserved
508095 Forskningsplan med projektbeskrivning 2 lina persson All rights reserved
560469 programme_multispecies_storytelling_a4-complete Linneus universitetet All rights reserved
581103 logga till RC lina persson All rights reserved
651448 logga två pil lina persson All rights reserved
1685827 moving background Research-Catalogue-headers-BC-130622 lina persson CC BY-NC-ND
1686601 Textbox - copy Elina Birkehag All rights reserved
1686603 Textbox - copy Elina Birkehag All rights reserved
2202781 climate-just-worldings-research-poster lina persson All rights reserved
2211354 SKH We Are Elsa SOUNDMIX WITHOUT SUBS_1 lina persson All rights reserved
2279773 export for belgien exhibit lina persson All rights reserved
2283428 2 Storyworld posters lina persson All rights reserved
2283430 Screenshot 2023-09-11 at 22.10.55 lina persson All rights reserved
2504697 poster1 lina persson All rights reserved
2504704 poster- lina persson All rights reserved
2523747 Comp 5 (0-01-58-06) lina persson All rights reserved
2531841 introfilm still lina persson All rights reserved
2551330 Comp 5_5 lina persson All rights reserved
2551345 Comp 5_5 lina persson All rights reserved
2580709 vetenskapsrådet CJW rapport 2023 lina persson All rights reserved
2588334 climate-just worldings research poster lina persson All rights reserved
2618004 poster-160124-BC-03 lina persson All rights reserved
2618024 poster-160124-BC-04 lina persson All rights reserved
2618071 Genk-installation lina persson All rights reserved
2618082 IMG_5845 lina persson All rights reserved
2618093 IMG_5842 lina persson All rights reserved
2618104 IMG_5827 lina persson All rights reserved
2649123 60 sek to CSLn_6 lina persson All rights reserved
2660506 Cover-Card-LP-290224-BC-OUT lina persson All rights reserved
2661739 Cover-Card-LP-290224-BC-OUT-2 lina persson All rights reserved
2661906 for-web-Cover-Card-LP-290224-BC-OUT-2 lina persson All rights reserved
2662426 Cards-LinaP-110324-BC-1 lina persson All rights reserved
2662432 Cards-LinaP-110324-BC-2 lina persson All rights reserved
2662435 Cards-LinaP-110324-BC-3 lina persson All rights reserved
2662438 Cards-LinaP-110324-BC-4 lina persson All rights reserved
2662441 Cards-LinaP-110324-BC-4 lina persson All rights reserved
2662444 Cards-LinaP-110324-BC-5 lina persson All rights reserved
2662450 Cards-LinaP-110324-BC-6 lina persson All rights reserved
2662454 Cards-LinaP-110324-BC-7 lina persson All rights reserved
2662456 Cards-LinaP-110324-BC-8 lina persson All rights reserved
2662460 Cards-LinaP-110324-BC-9 lina persson All rights reserved
2662464 Cards-LinaP-110324-BC-10 lina persson All rights reserved
2662468 Cards-LinaP-110324-BC-11 lina persson All rights reserved
2730309 Breathing with sovereign land draft lina persson All rights reserved
2805630 bible LP-Storyworld-140324 lina persson All rights reserved

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