
Image as Site: Apartment Portraits (last edited: 2024)


About this exposition

With Apartment Portraits contemporary music ensemble Lemur and artist Ellen J Røed investigates the rooms we live in through a series of sound and video works for living environments, musicians, microphones, cameras and videographer. Through video art and contemporary music they explored three apartments in Oslo: The oldest of them is a 1970s apartment at Hovseter, the other two are more recent. One is located on Teaterplassen in Grønland, and was built in the early 2000s, while the last one is in Sørenga, built in 2016. In the resulting portraits of apartments, subtle and slow panoramic camera strokes through the apartments explores and portrays the relationship between performed sound and living environments. It tells the story both of the rooms, their owners, the performers’ actions as well as those the videographer. Leilighetsportretter is part study, part concert, part installation, part site specific intervention and part architectural field trip in Oslo apartments. The project is one of four elements in 'Samtaler om rom' – Spatial conversations, where Lemur works in and around the at The National Museum – Architecture´s exhibitions on Norwegian housing architecture. As such the work is part of an interdisciplinary effort to explore new strategies for the presentation of architecture. It is developed within the overlapping research framework Image as Site at Stockholm University of the Arts. Project is supported by The Swedish Research Council, Stockholm University of the Arts, and Norwegian Art Council. The project was presented at The National Museum – Architecture, Oslo in the framework of Ultima festival of contemporary music and Kulturnatt Oslo, at Bomuldsfabrikken Kunsthall and at SKH Research Week 2021.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsmoving image, architecture, place, apartments, contemporary music, video art, performance, materiality, technology, attention, field recording, cinematography, image as site, apartment, portrait, lemur, ellen røed, body
last modified30/12/2024
statusin progress
share statuspublic
affiliationStockholm University of the Arts
copyrightEllen Johanne Røed, Lemur (Bjørnar Habbestad, Lene Grenager, Michael Francis Duch, Hild Sofie Tafjord).
licenseAll rights reserved


comments: 1 (last entry by Bjørnar Habbestad - 30/03/2024 at 21:31)