
Wolfe & Libertad (last edited: 2024)

Laisvie Andrea Ochoa Gaevska

About this exposition

Wolfe and Libertad is a practice-led research project that combines choreographic and cinematographic ways of working with the aim to locate sources of female strength. Therefore, one strand of the project seeks to develop an expressive device from the kinetic interplay between dance and video projection. The other finds creative energy in the voice of young women instigating social change and in a wolves-inspired bodily state. One major inspiration is the tale La Loba (Wolf Woman) presented by Clarissa Pinkola in the book Women Who Run With the Wolves (1992). The psychoanalytic concepts of Extimacy (Lacan, 2014) and Listening with The Third Ear (Reik, 1956) are repurposed as creative methods that generate movement materials from somatic experiences. As well, those concepts became the analytical way to understand the research discoveries. As part of this project, the video-dance Becoming and the dance pieces WolFloW and Wolfe & Libertad, which involve real-time visual performance, were made. In addition, a vocabulary of interaction between live and mediated dance is presented in this Exposition. One key finding of the project is a potent state of presence nurtured with the use of spoken word and sign language. A variety of tensions emerges from the interaction between this presence and the presence of the projection.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsdance, choreography and performance, digital dance, femininities, video performance, women and wolves, psychoanalysis and dance, somatic approach, video-dance
last modified14/09/2024
statusin progress
share statuspublic
licenseAll rights reserved

Simple Media

id name copyright license
609647 Mask Laisvie Ochoa All rights reserved
609666 Making the Mask @Laisvie Ochoa All rights reserved
609869 MaskPart01 ©Windercroft All rights reserved
609870 MaskPart02 ©Windercroft All rights reserved
609871 MaskPart03 ©Windercroft All rights reserved
609872 MaskPart04 ©Windercroft All rights reserved
609874 MaskPart05 ©Windercroft All rights reserved
609875 MaskPart06 ©Windercroft All rights reserved
609876 MaskPart07 ©Windercroft All rights reserved
609878 MaskPart08 ©Windercroft All rights reserved
609879 MaskPart09 ©Windercroft All rights reserved
609989 Sun01 Laisvie All rights reserved
609991 Guide TEXT Laisvie All rights reserved
609994 GENERAL Text Laisvie All rights reserved
610032 Extimacy Laisvie All rights reserved
610037 ExtimacyWomanInside Laisvie All rights reserved
610039 ExtimacyWolfInside Laisvie All rights reserved
610073 Point A Video dance Laisvie All rights reserved
610075 Point B Video dance Laisvie All rights reserved
610077 Point B Video dance Laisvie All rights reserved
611521 Becoming Picture Laisvie Ochoa All rights reserved
612823 OARehearsal24march2018a Laisvie Ochoa All rights reserved
612825 OARehearsal30march2018b Laisvie Ochoa All rights reserved
614279 Mobius Strip Laisvie All rights reserved
614300 Extimo01Pictures Laisvie All rights reserved
614307 Señasa6Manos9mayo Laisvie All rights reserved
614309 Señasa6Manos9mayo Laisvie All rights reserved
614314 SeñaslentasconMascara12Mayo Laisvie All rights reserved
614355 Libertad01 Laisvie All rights reserved
614361 LibertadBecominLRRH Laisvie All rights reserved
614420 WolfewithFreeRedHoodInside Laisvie All rights reserved
614425 BecomingIdeas Laisvie All rights reserved
614451 OARehearsal30march2018b Laisvie All rights reserved
614478 OARehearsal30march2018a Laisvie All rights reserved
614484 Wolfe01 Laisvie All rights reserved
614498 LRRHVideo02 Laisvie All rights reserved
614503 LRRHVideo Laisvie All rights reserved
614506 BecomingStoryboard Laisvie All rights reserved
614548 OATryOutProjectionMarch26 Laisvie All rights reserved
620491 WomenRunningTogether Laisvie All rights reserved
620572 TheOldOne Laisvie All rights reserved
622393 ezgif.com-optimize laisvie All rights reserved
629237 FigureToGrownd Laisvie All rights reserved
629243 RuleHorizon Laisvie All rights reserved
629247 RuleofThirds Laisvie All rights reserved
629251 Diagonals Laisvie All rights reserved
629255 Framing Laisvie All rights reserved
629263 Project1Result Laisvie All rights reserved
629340 SHOT-SIZE1 Laisvie All rights reserved
629343 Day2Final Laisvie All rights reserved
629357 CameraAngels Laisvie All rights reserved
629369 DACINGCAMERA Laisvie All rights reserved
629384 Resul01Day5 Laisvie All rights reserved
629388 Result02Day5 Laisvie All rights reserved
629389 Result02Day5 Laisvie All rights reserved
630725 ParadaExtract2011 Laisvie All rights reserved
630734 3Wolfs Laisvie All rights reserved
630742 WomenRunningTogether Laisvie All rights reserved
630754 2018WolFloWTrailer laisvie All rights reserved
630779 02 Week 02 FreeHood Laisvie All rights reserved
630849 01SameActionSizeSide Laisvie All rights reserved
630851 01VocabularyTwin2 Laisvie All rights reserved
630862 01VocabularyTwin2 Laisvie All rights reserved
630867 02VocabularyOverlap1 Laisvie All rights reserved
630872 02VocabularyOverlap2 Laisvie All rights reserved
630876 01VocabularyTwin3 Laisvie All rights reserved
630879 01VocabularyTwin4 Laisvie All rights reserved
630886 02VocabularyOverlap3 Laisvie All rights reserved
630888 01VocabularyTwin5 Laisvie All rights reserved
630889 03VocabularyYuxtaposition01 Laisvie All rights reserved
630892 03VocabularyYuxtaposition02 Laisvie All rights reserved
630898 04VocabularyBodyCanvas Laisvie All rights reserved
630900 01VocabularyTwinInteraction Laisvie All rights reserved
630904 04VocabularyBodyCanvas02 Laisvie All rights reserved
631965 CreaLabAtic Laisvie All rights reserved
631966 CreaLabCarmen Laisvie All rights reserved
631967 CreaLabMilena Laisvie All rights reserved
631968 CreaLabOlga Laisvie All rights reserved
631970 CreaLabRalph Laisvie All rights reserved
631972 CreaLabRaul Laisvie All rights reserved
632194 MoonCreative Commons 4.0 BY-NC Creative Commons 4.0 BY-NC All rights reserved
632202 Moon Free commons All rights reserved
632281 star_twinkle_2 common All rights reserved
632295 CRIATURA9a Laisvie All rights reserved
632330 CRIATURA5 Laisvie All rights reserved
632350 CRIATURA11 Laisvie All rights reserved
636202 TheYounOne Laisvie All rights reserved
636230 2018WolFloW01 Laisvie All rights reserved
636407 WolfBecomingRedHoodGIF Laisvie All rights reserved
636938 We Are One2019 Laisvie All rights reserved
636964 WeAreOneSpanish Laisvie All rights reserved
636991 3generationSpeech Laisvie and LASERS, Blac Koyote Remix Creative Commons All rights reserved
637020 3GenerationsSpeechWFW Laisvie All rights reserved
637028 Singing Laisvie All rights reserved
637142 WildPaper Laisvie All rights reserved
637185 Teeth Laisvie All rights reserved
637191 Running Laisvie All rights reserved
638354 LaLobaImago Laisvie music Colin Stetson All rights reserved
638376 LaLobaTRIOWithVoice Laisvie All rights reserved
638618 wolf_skeletonbyLaisvie Laisvie All rights reserved
638635 BodyTongue Laisvie All rights reserved
642536 BonesFleashTeethandSoulGIF Laisvie All rights reserved
642542 BonesResult Laisvie Music Jared Balogh Creative Commons All rights reserved
642548 BonesExploration Laisvie Music by Jared Balogh Creative Commons All rights reserved
642589 Muscles Laisvie All rights reserved
642704 Blood Laisvie All rights reserved
642763 Jumping Laisvie All rights reserved
642773 JumpingPNG Laisvie All rights reserved
642796 HeartwithVideo Laisvie All rights reserved
642803 ContactExercises Laisvie All rights reserved
643139 TeethWatermelon Laisvie and music by Mystified Creative Commons All rights reserved
643154 TeethCircle Laisvie All rights reserved
643156 TeethProtection Laisvie Music by Lasers Creative Commons All rights reserved
643607 Running Laisvie All rights reserved
643626 Criatura4GIF Laisvie All rights reserved
643639 BecomingPhoto Laisvie All rights reserved
643663 leadingLines Laisvie All rights reserved
643670 Running and Laughing Laisvie All rights reserved
643684 CameraShots Laisvie All rights reserved
643706 02 Week 02 GuardianAngel Laisvie All rights reserved
643755 SoundandMovement Laisvie All rights reserved
644024 Experimentingwithpaper Laisvie All rights reserved
644178 pathExpositionLaisvieJune9 Laisvie All rights reserved

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