
Virtuositas noster qui es in Parnaso (last edited: 2022)

Susana Castro Gil

About this exposition

This virtual exposition partially concentrates the experimental works developed during the doctorate in musical performance. Based mainly on the theory of transcreation of Haroldo de Campos (1962-2003), the topic of virtuosity is approached from artistic gestures trying to raise the discussion on what it means to be a virtuoso in the contemporary musical world. Paradoxically, iconic piano technique studies were chosen as the main material,this transcreationist interpretation allows traditional material to be permeated not only by contemporary means and aesthetics, but also questions that reflect on the tradition that made the emergence of these studies possible.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsvirtuoso, transcreation, multimedia, contemporary music
last modified22/12/2022
statusin progress
share statuspublic
affiliationFederal University of Minas Gerais
copyrightSusana Castro Gil
licenseAll rights reserved


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