
Radio Art in Brazil: A Panorama of Artists and Productions (2020)

Mauro Sá Rego Costa, Adriana Gomes Ribeiro and Pedro de Albuquerque Araujo

About this exposition

Abstract: The essay begins with a synthetic history of the emergence of radio art in Brazil. We present different ways in which radio art is produced and programmed in Brazil, enumerating the principal stations and artists, starting with the two public cultural stations in which it was first produced: Rádio Cultura FM (São Paulo) and Rádio MEC FM (Rio de Janeiro). The text also introduces readers to artists who have created radio art and sound art pieces in and out of the space of airwaves within art galleries and museums or outdoors. Finally, we present the most recent overview of Brazilian radio art using the Internet and all interconnected media.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsradio art; radio art in Brazil; sound art in and off the radio
last modified01/05/2020
share statusprivate
copyrightCosta etc
licenseAll rights reserved
published inJournal of Sonic Studies
portal issue19. Issue 19

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