January 2020

December 2019

Notes: winter 2019/20

{hhr, dream, 06-dec-2019}

The two systems/languages; temporal 'scripts', frame by frame, time horizontal but with varying density, rate. A way in one system to 'expand' nodes, atoms of code; to qualify them, to individuate them; how does the system remember the qualifications? The atoms, bricks have a visual representation, the visual programme is to develop the code atoms, to evolve them through operations selected in the interface, like splitting, merging, individuating, quite a number of operations; everything is stored as a source text though; I think the atoms are stored as paragraphs one by one, with the qualifications as preceding line comments; so one has to develop through the interface, there is no general way back from source code to qualified source code.

A way of embedding one system within the other (and vice versa?), naturally a degree of opacity remains (a degree of non-interfacing). Editor within meta-editor.

{date: 191206}

{hhr, 07-jan-2020}

Dreams: In terms of their change, they resemble the algorithmic; changes happen both discrete (separated) and under discretion (tacit). E.g. "the hotel room, now dorm room, now outside field exposed to rain." It is not clear whether this is an essential property of the dream, or it belongs to the mode of their recall, which is challenged with verbalisation, but there are cases that indicate the essential: "I notice the fundamental error – the room; I must have confused it, it unnoticably changed." (those example are from September 2019)

{date: 200107}

meta: true
author: HHR
kind: diary
origin: dream

keywords: [system, language, nodes, code, representation, programme, text, source, interface, editor]