David Pirrò

Austria (residence), Germany, Italy (citizenship) °1978
affiliation: Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics, Graz, Austria

David Pirrò (*1978 Udine, Italy), is a sound artist and researcher based in Graz, Austria. His works include interactive compositions and sound installations as well as audiovisual and electroacoustic pieces in which performative and spatial aspects are central. Departing from a radical inclusive point of view, he seeks ways of composing by which the work of art is constructed through mutual interaction of the agents involved in its performance.



David studied piano at the Conservatory "J. Tomadini". In 2004 he obtained the Master degree in Theoretical Physics at the University of Triest. In 2005 he worked at the CSC (Center for Computational Sonology) in Padua wih Prof. De Poli.  in 2007 David concluded his studies at the Conservatory "G. Tartini" in Triest with a Master in Computer Music and audio-visual composition.

Since 2007 David works at the IEM (Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics) in Graz, Austria as lecturer and researcher. He collaborates in various scientific and artistic research projects on sonification ("QCD-audio", "An Acoustic Interface for tremor analysis"), sound spatialisation ("The Choreography of Sound") interaction design in Computer Music ("Embodied Generative Music", "Klangräume"). He writes his dissertation Thesis in Computer Music (tutor Prof. Gerhard Eckel) "Composing Interaction".


research expositions

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research expositions (collaborated)

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works (collaborated)

  • Transpositions 1 (08/05/2015)
    Event: Performance, Jacobs University, Bremen, artist(s)/author(s): Michael Schwab, David Pirrò
    Transpositions is a collaborative research project that investigates the possibility of generating new auditory and visual forms based on the analysis and mathematical transformation of scientific data. For this occasion, we will present a four-channel audio and video walk through a data set provided by the Computational Neuroscience and Neurocomputing research group at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, which models large-scale biological neuronal networks in order to investigate memory processes. By remaining true to the data while employing an artistic working method will we seek to create alternative encounters with potentialities inherent in the data that are not yet accounted for. Transpositions is supported by the Austrian Science Fund.
  • Neuro - Dynamic System v.01 (05/02/2015)
    Art object: Visualisation, artist(s)/author(s): David Pirrò, Gerhard Eckel, Michael Schwab
    This is the first visualisation of a dynamic system as part of Case Study One (Neuro) of the research project Transpositions.
  • Transpositions. From science to art (and back) (04/10/2017)
    Event: Conference, artist(s)/author(s): Gerhard Eckel, Michael Schwab, David Pirrò
    Stockholm, October 4 to 6, 2017 The final research event of the project Transpositions: Artistic Data Exploration. Science and art are usually held distinct due to the different kinds of processes they employ and the character of the conclusions that they draw. However, what if artists were to extend scientific methodologies while radicalising their stance in post-conceptual art under the heading ‘artistic research’? How can scientific data be pushed to the limits of representation? We think that science and art will still follow their own respective trajectories, yet they will start to ‘talk’ to each other in unexpected ways once their practices are enmeshed. After working with scientists and their data from fields as separate as computational neuroscience, quantum mechanics, cosmology, and molecular biology, and after preparing our artistic responses, we want to find out the character of our scientific-artistic conversations and how we can push the work even further. Transpositions are artistic forms created from scientific data that respect the epistemic potential of their material under aesthetic conditions. Extending representational registers, transpositions propose a new aesthetic-epistemic logic of material difference rather than formal identity. Placing the focus on transpositional operators – their inner workings and as strict logic – suggests inconsistencies are not detrimental to knowledge but necessary stages in a game of heightened complexity. The research event Transpositions: From science to art (and back) aims to provide an overview. It brings concepts, data, artworks, and people together for a three-day set of events spread across Stockholm. It offers numerous opportunities to engage with transpositions in exhibitions, installations, performances, presentations, and discussions. Keynote lecture by Hans-Jörg Rheinberger. With contributions by: Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback, Leif Dahlberg, Luc Derycke, Gerhard Eckel, Sabine Höhler, Victor Jaschke, Ioana Jucan, Tina O'Connell, Daniel Peltz, David Pirrò, Hanns Holger Rutz, Pelin Sahlén, Michael Schwab, Phoebe Stubbs, Nina Stuhldreher, Neal White and many more. In cooperation with the Royal College of Music, the Royal Institute of Art, the Royal Institute of Technology, Färgfabriken, and Audiorama. Funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF (PEEK, AR 257)

activities (collaborated)

  • Algorithms that Matter (2017 - 2020)
    Polifonia project, Principal Investigator: Hanns Holger Rutz, researcher(s): Hanns Holger Rutz, David Pirrò
    “Algorithms That Matter” (Almat) is a project within the framework of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) – PEEK AR 403-GBL – hosted by the Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM) at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz. Algorithms are no longer an abstract formalisation, the image of thought, immaterial, static and timeless. They emerge from artistic praxis and experimentation, become entangled in material processes that produce space and time. Landing exposition: https://www.researchcatalogue.net/view/381565/381566 .