16 May 2020. (by Eli)


Playing with the idea that this LAB will be a continuous one... it started yesterday...

it will move into eternity.

And it happens now. And now. And now.

And we know Nothing.

Its an encounter with NOTHING.

Over and over.

Without such an encounter we are lost.

And losing is inevitable. 

LAB 1 is about the unknown.

Encountering the UNKNOWN openly.

The continuous unknown

that dies every second we live.       

I pick randomly a book.

Its by Rebecca Solnit. “The faraway nearby”.

Its in Swedish (“Det avlägset nära”)

and has now to be retranslated twice or three times back to its origine - passing other's readings and expressed by an other.

The result here and now:


”To love someone is to place oneself in the spacetime of the other being, it is said, which means to place oneself in the story of the other, or to contemplate how oneself should tell the story of the other”.


(In Swedish: Att älska någon är att sätta sig i den personens ställe, sägs det, det vill säga att placera sig själv i den personens berättelse, eller fundera på hur man själv skulle berätta den personens historia” Början av kapitel 1. Daidalos 2014:11)





Inspired by Mark Price post in our FB group about his idea of unknowable = we become monuments to sterility and Terra Incognita, made me link the unknown to the idea of limitless or unlimited as a illusion.

There is a musical representation for an infinite ascendent-descendent illusion, the Shepard Tones and The Continuous Risset Scale or Shepard–Risset Glissando. 

Here an example of an infinite descending:

ascendent musical notation example

I just wanted to share this observation as part of the Encountering the Unknown lab brainstorming-process.




- Cha Blasco