This research exposition has been curated as part of the ongoing research project NO SELF CAN TELL (Laasonen Belgrano & Price 2019 - )
(Photographs: Laasonen Belgrano if not metioned otherwise)

Photo: Sini Suomi
Emmi has specialized in the lament tradition. Laments are a global phenomenon, that can be found throughout the world. The laments that are known nowadays in Finland are based on the Karelian and Ingrian traditions, since there are no historical lament traditions among Finns. Laments have been used to express feelings of sorrow, longing and separating, and sometimes even gratitude. Laments were performed in the most important rites of human life such as weddings, funerals or even when men were going to war or bring conscripted into the army. They were also a way to express sorrows and worries of everyday life. Emmi performs both traditional laments and songs, that she has made inspired by the Karelian and Ingrian laments.
Nothing as if...
(Laasonen Belgrano & Price 2022)
Anna Nylin (2020)