
"No Self Can Tell" (last edited: 2024)

Laasonen Belgrano, E. and Price, M.D.
Elisabeth Laasonen Belgrano, Mark Douglas Edmund Price

About this exposition

The research explores 'ornamenting' as a transferable method in inter-disciplinary studies, inter-faith dialogues and artistic/therapeutic practices. Adapting techniques of Renaissance musicology, the processes we have developed de-create and re-create vital connections. It is a communica-tions strategy for times of crisis. Starting with simple sonic relations we extend the method far be-yond its traditional musical setting. The practice utilises 'Nothingness' as a component of creativity, providing a novel response to figurations of nothingness as mere negation. Preliminary results sug-gest its potential as a counter force to nihilism and social dislocation. The work divides into four areas. 1. Primary research on relationships between sound, meaning, and the sense(s) of self, exploring how sense is made of Otherness via processes akin to musical praxis: consonance, dissonance, 'pure voice' and ornamentation. 2. To apply this new perspective to a range of exile experiences – mourning, social disconnection, ex-communication and aggres-sive 'Othering'. 3. To investigate the cancelling of normal time-conditions in crisis situations such as trauma, dementia, and mystical experience, relating non-linear temporality to creative practice and healing. 4. To widely disseminate our results and methods as contributions to the methodology of artistic research via journal articles, live workshops and performances, and a book of original, praxical, testable, and teach-able interventions.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsTrauma, loss, longing, kalevala, kabbalah, 'A Thread of Words', Body-Flesh, Diffractive thinking, Exile, Existential counselling, Finnish War Children, holocaust, Karelian Lamentation, Lamenting, madness, 'Nachtraglichkeit', Narratives, nothingness, Ornamentation, 'Ripening of Trauma', Second & Third Generations Victimes, self, Suffering, Time, non/linear, touch, Unknown
last modified04/09/2024
statusin progress
share statuspublic
licenseAll rights reserved

Simple Media

id name copyright license
980515 beginning ELB2020 All rights reserved
980521 J_age78 ELB2020 All rights reserved
980527 J_age3 ELB2020 All rights reserved
981724 death ELB2020 All rights reserved
981727 family ELB2020 All rights reserved
981732 Label ELB2020 All rights reserved
981776 Frozen_moment ELB2020 All rights reserved
981798 ALEPH_sound_rc ME2020 All rights reserved
981826 family ELB2020 All rights reserved
987946 MOVING ELB2020 All rights reserved
987947 KUITTINEN2020 ELB2020 All rights reserved
987948 RAIL ELB2020 All rights reserved
987949 CLOUD OF THE UNKNOWN ELB2020 All rights reserved
987950 SHADOW ELB2020 All rights reserved
987951 VISITATION_VIOLA ELB2020 All rights reserved
987952 STLM CENTRAL1 ELB2020 All rights reserved
987953 STLM CENTRAL2 ELB2020 All rights reserved
987954 MOON_HOUSE ELB2020 All rights reserved
987955 MOON_HOUSE2 ELB2020 All rights reserved
987956 BLACK_LIGHT ELB2020 All rights reserved
987957 REDSKY ELB2020 All rights reserved
987958 REDSKY2 ELB2020 All rights reserved
987959 VIRGIN_SEA ELB2020 All rights reserved
987976 SHINE ELB2020 All rights reserved
988908 Children_walking ELB2020 All rights reserved
988918 Black light JBJ rc JBJ2020 All rights reserved
988921 Emma Kuittinen Itku koronahuolista rc ELB2020 All rights reserved
988922 Emma Kuittinen Itku koronahuolista rc ELB2020 All rights reserved
988925 Remember me Rossetti & Price rc ELB2020 All rights reserved
988929 Notes Inegales ME2020 All rights reserved
988931 Remember me iphone ELB2020 All rights reserved
988932 Remember me iphone EB2020 All rights reserved
1023685 Reflections1 EB2020 All rights reserved
1023688 Reflections2 ELB2020 All rights reserved
1026024 out_of_nowhere ELB2020 All rights reserved
1027578 Butterflies MDP2020 All rights reserved
1027592 Butterfly _in_hand ELB2020 All rights reserved
1038962 DUST-WORK ELB2020 All rights reserved
1039289 Parentes 1 ELB2020 All rights reserved
1039291 parentes 3 ELB All rights reserved
1039292 Parentes 4 ELB2020 All rights reserved
1045290 Eyes_1 ELB2020 All rights reserved
1045301 Eyes_2 ELB2020 All rights reserved
1045305 Eyes_3 ELB2020 All rights reserved
1045309 Eyes_4 ELB2020 All rights reserved
1045311 Eyes_5 ELB2020 All rights reserved
1045314 Eyes_6 ELB2020 All rights reserved
1045318 Eyes_7 ELB2020 All rights reserved
1045319 Eyes_7 ELB2020 All rights reserved
1045320 Eyes_7 ELB2020 All rights reserved
1053299 Ornament1 ELB2020 All rights reserved
1053301 AfKlintEyes ELB2020 All rights reserved
1053306 Ornament1 ELB2020 All rights reserved
1053307 Ornament2 ELB2020 All rights reserved
1053322 Eyes_8 ELB2020 All rights reserved
1056818 IMG_1118 ELB2020 All rights reserved
1057039 Nära with Brun 2020 ELB2020 All rights reserved
1067124 Slow Machine Prototype Mark D. Price All rights reserved
1067126 Slow Machine E 1 B&P2020 All rights reserved
1067128 Slow machine E 2 B&P2020 All rights reserved
1067130 SlowMachineFirstMixNovember2020 B&P2020 All rights reserved
1067161 Alma_Eye EB2020 All rights reserved
1068544 SpiceLongRideSlowMachineSECONDMIX2 P&B2020 All rights reserved
1071715 EYES_JM ELB2020 All rights reserved
1231026 Tears - Fluid ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1252226 Morning_sleep ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1252231 LullabyeRoughVersion1 ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1252235 LullabyeRoughVersion2 ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1252361 White roses ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1252372 Early bird singing ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1252813 EM1_Connecting ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1252814 EM2_Connecting ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1252816 ERIKA_1 ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1252817 ERIKA_2 ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1252894 Tears_C.Avloniti C.Avolonthi 2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1253828 HiraethPrototype1 MDP2020 CC BY-NC-ND
1253832 HIRAETH. Marks’s text ELB2020 CC BY-NC-ND
1253836 December2020A ELB2020 CC BY-NC-ND
1253844 Hiraeth rough mix mix Mark D. Price CC BY-NC-ND
1253846 HiraethPrototypeFistRoughMixJan2021 MDP2020 CC BY-NC-ND
1260155 IMG_3258 AVLONITI 2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1262445 RUACH ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1269233 LOSS_1 ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1269234 LOSS_2 ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1269235 LOSS_3 ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1283319 IMG_9521 ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1310271 Emblem_AdI ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1310292 02 Si L'amour Vous Soumet A Ses loix-Michael Lambert ELB2004 CC BY-NC-ND
1310413 Elisabeth Laasonen BELGRANO ELB2011 CC BY-NC-ND
1310415 Trillo ELB2011 CC BY-NC-ND
1310421 Laissez Durer La nuit-Sebastien Le Camus ELB2011 CC BY-NC-ND
1310515 Beres1 ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1310517 Beres2 ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1310520 Twighlight_Eli ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1310531 St.AnnesJerusalem ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1310535 Belgrano corset ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1310536 Raphael_Corset_1 ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1310537 Raphael_Letter ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1310538 Eli Letters ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1310539 E_Veiled ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1310540 Betney 2021_1 ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1310541 Betney 2021_2 ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1310542 Raphael_Aleph ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1310543 Raphael_Veil ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1310626 Belgrano corset ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1312883 Kryptan-search1 ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1312885 Kryptan-search2 ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1313267 NothingIsSacred Price 2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1313271 Tears - Georgios Giokotos-Elisabeth Belgrano Gerorgious Giokotos 2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1320919 Tears_Cha.Blanco ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1326666 Dap.Tuk ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1326702 DAPTUK_step2 ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1326714 Mark D. Price Mark D. Price 2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1330314 Wakeful Traffic ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1330323 COpenTuningSurface ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1330377 ClownDown 1 ME2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1339838 soothing ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1340316 soothing darkness ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1340320 ClownDown 2 ME2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1340559 elsiabetsolovoicealmost ME2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1341050 RoadsideShrine2 Price2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1345621 Anna Still Alone ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1345998 Anna French song ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1363674 Praying_moving1 ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1363675 Praying_moving2 ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1363676 Praying_moving3 ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1363677 Praying_moving4 ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1363678 Praying_moving5 ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1363679 Praying_moving6 ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1364190 Kitchen Prayer ELB 2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1364196 Convictions! MDP2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1381520 SCHOLEM_Revelation ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1381521 Elisabeth Laasonen BELGRANO Elisabeth Laasonen BELGRANO CC BY-NC-ND
1381522 Elisabeth Laasonen BELGRANO Elisabeth Laasonen BELGRANO CC BY-NC-ND
1381523 SCHOLEM_Revelation ELB2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1498195 Fragment_1 ELB2022 CC BY-NC-ND
1498197 fragment_2 ELB2022 CC BY-NC-ND
1498198 fragment_3 ELB2022 CC BY-NC-ND
1498220 Eye0 ELB2022 CC BY-NC-ND
1508148 ReadingRadical Theology - SD 480p ELB2022 CC BY-NC-ND
1542686 Blake_Jerusalem ELI2022 CC BY-NC-ND
1565904 VIGILcarpetwallpaperADJUSTEDlowervolume ELB2022 CC BY-NC-ND
1566847 Jerusalem Lambert ELB2022 CC BY-NC-ND
1600288 Mass_St. Pauli ELB2022 CC BY-NC-ND
1600367 troisieme_jeudi_aleph ELB2022 CC BY-NC-ND
1631798 Iceland draft 1 ELB2022 CC BY-NC-ND
1681268 Valmo ELB22 CC BY-NC-ND
1681271 ljud-samtal ELB22 CC BY-NC-ND
1681275 earth ELB22 CC BY-NC-ND
1681279 Blackbird1WAV price 22 CC BY-NC-ND
1681365 balloons ELB22 CC BY-NC-ND
1681367 entangle ELB22 CC BY-NC-ND
1681368 mapping ELB22 CC BY-NC-ND
1716660 A Mon Seul Désir Raw ELB2022 CC BY-NC-ND
1720323 A Mon Seul Désir Ornament 1 ELB-TB2022 CC BY-NC-ND
1725094 A Mon Seul Désir Ornament No 2 MDP2022 CC BY-NC-ND
1732390 Whispers from the Abyss - SD 480p ME2022 CC BY-NC-ND
1774130 Nothing as if... - SD 480p ELB2022 CC BY-NC-ND
1777394 hands_Venezia ELB 2022 CC BY-NC-ND
1777738 Någon rörde vid mig. - SD 480p ELB2022 CC BY-NC-ND
1777745 Someone touched me ELB 2022 CC BY-NC-ND
1777747 SomeoneTouchedMe ELB2022 CC BY-NC-ND
1777757 SomeoneTouchedMe ELB2022 CC BY-NC-ND
1777763 SomeoneTouchedMe_1 ELB2022 CC BY-NC-ND
1777767 SomeoneTouchedMe_1 ELB2022 CC BY-NC-ND
1796198 EH 4:30 not in the morning… ELB2022 CC BY-NC-ND
1816409 Lament_WALK1 TSB22 CC BY-NC-ND
1816413 Lament_WALK2 TSB22 CC BY-NC-ND
1816415 Lament_WALK3 TSB22 CC BY-NC-ND
1816421 Lament_WALK4 TSB22 CC BY-NC-ND
1816422 Lament_WALK5 TSB22 CC BY-NC-ND
1816423 Lament_WALK6 TSB22 CC BY-NC-ND
1816426 Lament_WALK8 TSB22 CC BY-NC-ND
1816427 Lament_WALK7 TSB22 CC BY-NC-ND
1816428 Lament_WALK9 TSB22 CC BY-NC-ND
2016541 ANNAoELI_Paris ELB2023 CC BY-NC-ND
2503373 VIGILcarpetwallpaperADJUSTEDlowervolume Elisabeth Laasonen BELGRANO All rights reserved
2503377 Meyes ELB2024 All rights reserved
2636229 Broken wall Jerusalem ELB2024 All rights reserved
2636230 Lambert Lacrime word ELB2024 All rights reserved
2636231 Lambert Beth word ELB2024 All rights reserved
2636233 Lambert Plorans words ELB2024 All rights reserved
2841547 DolphijnWound ELB2024 All rights reserved
2841548 Domphijn wound 2 ELB2024 All rights reserved
2841575 KristusmedBrinnandeBlicken ELB2024 All rights reserved
2841576 Grans ELB2024 All rights reserved

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