"Convertere ad Deum Tuum": A Road Map Through the Landscape of Performative Theology
(last edited: 2023)
author(s): Elisabeth Laasonen Belgrano
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
This exposition is a bilingual presentation - in Swedish and in English - of two parallell tracks through the Landscape of Performative Theology. One of them is the result of a course taken during the Autumn of 2022, as part of my theological training towards priesthood in the Church of Sweden. The other track is a collection of entangled fragments part of a MA thesis in Systematic Theology were a diffractive reading is carried out through theologist Prof. Graham Ward's "How the light gets in. Ethical life I" (2016) and Prof. Erika Fischer Lichte's "The Transformative Power of Performance. A New Aesthetics" (2008). This reading will also embrace results from the fields of Artistic Research and Performance Philosophy.
Att vara förlorade tillsammans i Intet
(last edited: 2023)
author(s): Kollegium / Jonna Bornemark / Elisabeth Laasonen Belgrano
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Vetenskapsmän och konstnärer delar intresset för att se, röra vid och förstå det vi inte känner till. Skilda praktiker och forskningsfält har sin egen förståelse och relation till den frånvaro av vetande som “intet” ställer oss inför. Från mötet med livets ändlighet, kvantfysikens till synes omöjliga påståenden till det tomrum som uppstår i mötet med konstverket – stunder då vi korsar gränserna för det kända. Vad gör dessa ögonblick med oss?
Dokumentation från ett event arrangerat av Vetenskapfestivalen, Göteborg , Världskulturmuseet och Kollegium.
Samtal i anslutning till Konstinstallationen VÄGG (från 2014) av Dorna Aslanzadeh i samarbete med Kollegium med stöd av Statens Konstråd.
Medverkar gör Jonna Bornemark, Professor i filosofi, Centrum för praktisk kunskap, Södertörn University och Elisabeth Laasonen Belgrano, röstkonstnär, konstnärlig forskare, existentiell vägledare och prästkandidat i Göteborgs stift.
Kollegium är en konstnärsgemenskap som utgår från en vision om konsten som vänskaps- och kärlekshandling. Verksamheten arrangerar ambulerande utställningar och publika samtal som undersöker släktskapet mellan transcendentala och estetiska erfarenheter.
ALEPH - Before the Beginning.
(last edited: 2021)
author(s): Elisabeth Laasonen Belgrano, henrik sputnes, Mark Douglas Edmund Price
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Before the Beginning.
Pause here. For the gradient
Of silence is changing.
Pause, to hear behind all sounds
The slope of silence deepening...
(last edited: 2019)
author(s): Nordic Network for Vocal Performance Research
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
The aim of this artistic research symposium is to allow for VOICE to act as a guide into the UKNOWN. Through an entangled mish-mash of intra-active events (performances, installations, workshop and seminars) participants will be invited to explore the potential power of VOICE and its impact on the UNKNOWN or ’that-which-is-yet-to-be-known’. In 17th century Venetian academic circles VOICE was considered to be a symbol of NOTHINGNESS (Calcagno 2003). VOICE was also the primary tool in the creation of the opera genre (Belgrano 2011). Questions driving the event include: how can we understand VOICE in contemporary every day performances, based on both sensuous and intellectual knowledge? What specific vocal features will emerge if we allow VOICE to be the guide into the UNKNOWN aspects of life and living? The symposium will be staged as the first one out of three events, allowing for the project to eventually grow into an international platform for Vocal Performance Philosophy, based at IAC. This first event is a seed highlighting the significance of the theme; the second event will be presented as an intra-active performance-workshop; the final event will be organised as an international symposia.
The symposium is curated by
Nordic Network for Vocal Performance Research (https://www.researchcatalogue.net/view/399282/399283), Nordic Network for Early Opera (http://www.earlyopera.org), and
Network for Performance Philosophy (https://performancephilosophy.ning.com/about).