∂ Topological Landscapes
author(s): András Blazsek
published in: Journal for Artistic Research
∂ Topological Landscapes (2015–ongoing) is a multisensory environment that comprises three projects, all based on research into the controversial healing instruments designed by Southern California inventor Royal Raymond Rife (Nebraska, 1888–California, 1971). Rife’s early twentieth-century scientific work involved light microscopy, frequency theory, and the concept of pleomorphism, which he applied to study formal differentiation in viral cells. One of Rife’s aims was to develop methods and mechanisms that would allow him to use frequencies to kill viruses.
∂ (curly d) is the symbol for ‘boundary’ in general topology. In this research, it is employed as a mathematical symbol that links the study of shifting material surfaces with an inquiry into the fluctuating borders between art and science. It posits that abandoned possibilities in scientific error and failed experiments may harbour other futures.
In its three projects, ∂ Topological Landscapes works with different technologies of reproduction using 3D animation, 3D printed sculpture, sonification, and prototype-making to explore findings from various attempts to replicate Rife’s instruments. The necessary information for creating these replications was gathered from the object archive of the Science Museum of London and from the two former sites of the inventor’s research: the Scripps Institute of Oceanography in La Jolla, San Diego, and the Linda Vista Hospital in Los Angeles.
Zense Garden
(last edited: 2021)
author(s): André Hoang-An Vu
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Prototype for exhibition 1/12/2021
Prototype: "Connect"
(last edited: 2020)
author(s): Gabrielle Nørgaard Fransson, Markus Frydenlund Ruud, Lene Gulberg, Line Løver Urdalen
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Korona viruset som brøt ut i Norge i begynnelsen av 2020 har ført til nye forutsetninger en må ta hensyn til. Dette inkluderer avstand, vaske hender, og for mange å jobbe hjemmefra. Problemet er at dette kan føre til nedsatt psykisk helse, forårsaket av blant annet ensomhet.
For å hindre dette ønskes det løsninger som kan forebygge mot ensomhet; med andre ord en løsning som kan skape et godt sosialt miljø, selv hjemmefra. Dette kan igjen føre til et bedre arbeidsmiljø selv om en ikke lengre møtes på kontoret.
Golf uten hånd
(last edited: 2020)
author(s): Sander Kolkinn
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Golf for hele familien: golfkølle med stomphåndtak. Denne golfkøllen er lagd for å kunne inkludere hele familien i en felles aktivitet, som ellers krever at man har to hender. Denne køllen kan brukes både til vanlig golf og mini-golf. Golfkøllen har et sil lignende håndtak på høyresiden av kølla, slik at man kan plassere stompen komfortabelt ned og får muligheten til å gi nok kraft til et godt slag.