Decolonial Listening and the Politics of Sound: Water, Breathing and Urban Unconscious
author(s): Rodrigo Toro and Donovan Hernández Castellanos
published in: Journal of Sonic Studies
This essay is based in the urgency of questioning the coloniality of being and power (Quijano, 2014), present in the hegemonic aural regime. It is based on two pieces: Wet Season / Dry Season (2021), a sound installation by the collective of Cuban visual artists Celia-Yunior that was presented at the Jakarta Biennial, Indonesia; and Breathe (2020), an interdisciplinary piece combining dance, literature, sound and video.
Still Moving
author(s): Juriaan Achthoven, Rhian Morris
published in: Research Catalogue
The startingpoint of "Still Moving" has been: to map and perform an artistic process in which the aim is to create a scenographic poem. If poetry is about 'feeling in language' (Eliot), then scenographic poetry is about feeling in the materiality of a spatial-temporal composition. We have started to work with an actor, live video technology and 'Four Quartets' by T.S. Eliot. Throughout the process the main ingredients have shifted towards: the breath of the actor, a lot of soil and sensor-technology. The research question has been evolving from an interest in the concept of 'presence', towards an interest in rhythms of the body in relation to rhythms of the earth, towards an interest in the materiality of the ingredients.
This page is meant to give insight into our process of creation.