Innen - draußen : Innen - Außen Schonbezüge
(last edited: 2024)
author(s): Lisa Hinterreithner
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Wir teilen hier den ersten Teil eines Forschungsprozesses, der sich mit schützenden und den Körper umschlingenden, räumlichen Konstrukten beschäftigt. Das Research dient einer thematisch diskursiven und kritischen Kontextualisierung einer Performance-Installation, für die Objekte entwickelt werden, die menschliche Körper in ihrer Singularität oder in kleinen Gruppen „umschlingen“. Dabei denken wir diese Umhüllungen für menschliche und nicht-menschliche Körper im Kontext des feministischen Care-Diskurses.
We share here the first part of a research process that deals with protective and body-enveloping spatial constructs. The research serves a thematically discursive and critical contextualization of a performance installation, for which objects are developed that "envelop" human bodies in their singularity or in small groups. In doing so, we think about these coverings for human and non-human bodies in the context of the feminist care discourse.
critical mapping with the camera eye
(last edited: 2023)
author(s): Jule von Hertell
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
This exhibition investigates places in Mallorca, Spain and how sites of crimes during the dictatorship and civil war can be examined from the present to their past using documentary film approaches. Is it possible to uncover the layers and interconnections of a place with its history and entanglements using filmic images of the present and different voices from interviews, quotes from documents and letters, sounds and the artists voice-over? This exhibition will be created as part of the work on the ongoing PhD project “Memory in Documentary Essayistic Film” located at University of Fine Arts Hamburg.
It involves capturing a place and its inscriptions, reflecting on the history of the location, Spanish-German entanglements, and transnational memory through the camera images.
VOICE: An Imaginary Ir/Rational Figure of Any Thing
(last edited: 2022)
author(s): Elisabeth Laasonen Belgrano
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
The voice presented in this NO PAPER PRESENTATION cannot be imagined as separated from any bodily act or matter. It intoxicates all along without an end. This voice emerges out of No Thing (Calcagno 2003). It would not claim to be in a specific relation to gender, class, ethnicity or other classification, yet this voice can be identified as "an imaginary figure of any thing"; a paradoxical voice performed and presented out of unexpected encounters with whatever meaning there might be. This voice can be traced to 17th century Venetian music drama stages - considered to be a symbol for Nothingness as specifically performed in operatic mad scenes. This NO PAPER presents a development of an artistic doctoral project on 'how to perform vocal nothingness' (Belgrano 2011). In the current study a Baradian (feminist) diffractive methodology is applied (Barad 2007, 2012), allowing vocal practice to intra-act continuously with any matter or meaning encountered along the road, by "re-diffracting, diffracting anew, in the making of new temporalities (spacetimematterings)" (Barad 2014). Through this performative approach VOICE argues that vocal identity can be viewed as an entangled dance - where sound, thoughts, judgements, senses, madness, matter, chaos, vibrations and so on cannot be separated from one another - "endlessly opening itself up to a variety of possible and impossible reconfigurings" (Hinton 2013). The result that emerges from this trans-spatiotemporal study is a sensuous queering of operatic vocality that allows individuals to experience a monstrous voice as Any Thing or No Thing, following a discourse on Nothingness that had a fundamental impact on 17th century operatic vocality and on the birth of music drama.