Lone Wolves Stick Together: Research as a Journey to an Aesthetic Understanding of Immersion and Participation through VR and roleplaying (LARP)
author(s): Nadja Lipsyc
published in: University of Inland Norway
This research explores the artistic and critical potentials of using tools from live action roleplaying (larp) to create narrative VR experiences. In particular, it unfolds the conception, physical play and VR play and production of the live action roleplaying (larp) Lone Wolves Stick Together. Inspired by the film Stalker (1979) by Tarkovsky, Lone Wolves Stick Together stages the immersive environment as an omniscient Sphynx-like character that pushes the players to question one another and to introspect. By using larp and video game design knowledge conjugated to cinematic aesthetics, this research project seeks to honor the creative and narrative potentials of immersion and participation. As such, between 2018 and 2023, this research took the form of classic chamber larps, immersive theater experiences, scenography installation, VR larps (including two other projects: The Space Between Us and Ancient Hours) and a final multimedia installation. The artistic methods rely on principles of environmental design, explored physically through production design and ambisonics, and virtually through a highly reactive virtual environment. The research method is based on a constructivist approach where we experiment to find an answer, not the truth. Here, experimentation is not conceptual but aesthetic: knowledge is lived and felt through artistic experience. Centred around VR and within a film and new media context, this research also develops a reflection on the industrial and technological influences on the creative process and their friction with artistic-research.
Arcade: A Guide to the Operas in the Doctoral Project "An Operatic Game Changer"
author(s): Hedvig Jalhed
published in: Research Catalogue
This exposition is a guide to the four ludo-immersive chamber operas in the doctoral project An Operatic Game-Changer. The operas were created during the period 2016–2020 and are contextualized and discussed in the dissertation with the same title, in which the practice of facilitating operas as adventures rather than spectacles is fleshed out. Through these participatory and multi-disciplinary concepts, conceived with the purpose of generating and analyzing live encounters between professional opera artists and co-playing visitors, immersive features are realized and explored.
Arcade is also a kaleidoscopic performance and an exhibition, designed as an operatic amusement park in miniature, with artefacts and excerpts from the operas, and presented live in connection with the public defense of the thesis in 2022 at the Academy of Music and Drama in Gothenburg. This online resource functions as an archive of information about the operatic works and their performances, both for those attending the performance/exhibition in Gothenburg, and for those wanting to learn about the project without experiencing this event.
Fertility / 'Will You Carry Me?!'
(last edited: 2025)
author(s): Nina Goedegebure
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Artist, actress and writer Nina Goedegebure conducts artistic research into the polyphony of a disease process at the Master Crossover Creativity @HKU, with two transdisciplinary projects; Fertility and 'Will You Carry Me?!'
Starting from the question: How are we carried within a disease process? she investigates the effect of art during a disease process, and/or treatment.
She is driven by the idea that in destruction lies creation.
'Through Research Catalogue I want to provide an open insight into this artistic process including my sources of inspiration, questions and finds.'
Textile Awareness
(last edited: 2024)
author(s): HANNA felting
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
To create positive Textile Awareness I will be researching the relationship and interaction of consumers with clothing and textiles.
With the intention to encourage people to recycle clothing and shop less.
Inspire people to think critically about their purchases and create awareness about the consequences of clothing choices for the environment.
I want to make a joint impact so that clothing and textiles are no longer treated as waste products. More than half of old textiles in the Netherlands are not recycled but thrown out with the garbage. And thus into the incinerator.
Global warming is perhaps the greatest challenge of our time. What can the consumer change in his behavior towards clothing and textiles? That is the question that concerns me.