Observations of: The Observation of Perception, considered through Drawing
author(s): Mike Croft
published in: Research Catalogue
The exposition provides some indication of the content of an exhibition at Lugar do Desenho – Júlio Resende Foundation between 23 September and 28 October, 2023. Several artistic research projects have been explored by the author through drawing and writing between 2021 and 2023 while resident in Porto, Portugal. The projects have each been hosted by i2ADS (Institute of Art and Design Society) as part of a larger collaborative research project called 'The Observation of Perception', considered through Drawing. Two of the projects, or one project divided into two parts, are specifically a contribution to a genetic ancestry project – ‘Call for drawing – Genetics and Identity’ – hosted by i3S (Institute of Investigation and Innovation of Health), Porto University. The main formatting of all of the projects has been the Research Catalogue, in which the visual works that now comprise the exhibition have previously been placed in a multiple media context as artistic research.
Speech spoken: Two monologic transcripts and the return of interspersed sections of them to speech that oscillates between sense and non-sense
author(s): Mike Croft
published in: Research Catalogue
The exposition brings into and adapts a previous recent practice concerning speaking while simultaneously drawing, audio-visually recording two states of the process, transcribing the monologues, and alternately interspersing them line-by-line. Such a practice is taken up at the level of the interspersed monologues to show and reconsider their content as potentially readable. To Editing and enabling such readability, however, returns spoken content to written, while reading it maintains the role of voice. The read content as short audio-recordings, termed cameos, wavers between sense and non-sense, while being read as if it were making sense. The particularities of this are discussed, with some theoretical reference. The reader can, if they wish, also view the drawings that generated, and had in their turn been generated by, the speech – although this is not essential to the purpose of the exposition.
‘[…] Biology of One Body’s work’: A video collage of seconds counted while drawing + 2-minutes’ playback layered a number of times
author(s): Mike Croft
published in: i2ADS - Research Institute in Art, Design and Society
A three-minute video, including title and credits, concerns a second re-working, in effect layer three, of a drawing that references incidental observation of the inside of a glass jar and additional materiality, such as an action camera worn in front of the eyes and how the jar is attached to the drawing’s surface to enable the process’s video recording. The audio concerns the counting of seconds while drawing and the prolonged intonation of the word RAUM, German for space. Each of these vocal elements directs and impacts on the drawing procedures, the latter of which are implemented with pencils designed for marking on non-porous surfaces such as plastic and glass, and erasure of such pencils on laminated white cardboard. The video fades in and out of the drawing at each of its three stages, two of which were from times prior to making the video, the last of the stages of which was up to the time of beginning the video. The video is also interspersed with scrolling typed indication of the various correspondences between the counting of time and phrases of spoken monologue, the latter of which has been divided into two audio layers through having been recorded onto both the camera’s microphone and an external voice recorder. At 1: 47mins of the video the content fades to a muted simple scroll-through animation of the completed drawing of the previous video content played back a number of times, which had been responded to through the layering of the drawing the same number of times across nine pieces of handmade paper, 51 x 36cm, in plastic-based pencils and acrylic paint. The video encapsulates the above-mentioned individual facets as a single entity that provides some comment on the diverse nature of time in the context of its experience in and as drawing.
Keywords: drawing; time; monologue; language; intonation
(last edited: 2017)
author(s): Annette Arlander
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
This exposition is presenting (and archiving) a work in progress consisting of site-specific sound installations or audio plays created for particular trees. The work is inspired by the ancient Celtic beth-luis-nion tree alphabet.