What do the urban soundscapes of a city represent? Case studies in Bangkok and Hong Kong / 都市聲音有何個性? 考察曼谷和香港之城市聲景
author(s): KA HO CHEUNG, Marcel Cobussen
published in: Journal of Sonic Studies
Urban soundscapes convey the cultural codes, history and collective memory of a society. Bangkok and Hong Kong are two open societies in Southeast Asia, within which local and imported auditory cultures co-exist, correlating to the demographics, cultural heritage, and recent geopolitical, economic and social transformations. Nevertheless, studies of their distinctive sonic phenomena are underrepresented in the field of sound studies. Encompassing street music, ritual activities, boxing matches, fresh produce markets, shopping arcades, commuting systems and various public spaces in Bangkok and Hong Kong, this article introduces case studies and contextualizes some distinct urban soundscapes, employing first-hand audio footage, as an initial pathway for building an auditory acquaintance with the region.