Virtual Hallucinations
author(s): Emma Richey
published in: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
A master's thesis that aims to see how 2D animation can visualize hallucinations in VR, while examining the greyzone between technology and spirituality in the animation process. The animations are made for the VR documentary film: Urban Witches, by Nicia Fernandez.
Dialectics of Outside and Inside - A Sonic Study of Being through Illness and Isolation
author(s): Mariske Broeckmeyer
published in: Journal of Sonic Studies
This essay and audio piece explore how the related experiences of illness and isolation problematize the clear spatial opposition of “outside” and “inside.” Adopting the dialectical models, proposed by French philosopher Gaston Bachelard in his phenomenological study of outside and inside, I aspire to take aural notice on how the migraine sufferer’s sense of space shifts in sync with her sense of self throughout a migraine attack. Composed out of vocal sounds and domestic noises, recorded in and around the house, this piece merges the materiality of the room and voice in a conversation that balances on the edges of meaning. Juxtaposing one unto the other, both self and space get lost in displacement, matter melts and disappears into one roaring drone.
Aesthetic practices of very slow observation as phenomenological practices: steps to an ecology of cognitive practices
author(s): Alex Arteaga
published in: RUUKKU - Studies in Artistic Research
This exposition presents three aesthetic research practices (framed dialoging, wiriting exploratory essays and the reading circle), one framework for realizing another aesthetic practice of research (notation) and the outline of four concepts originated by pefroming these practices and that, in turn, frame and underpin their performance (aesthetic practices of very slow observation, aesthetic research, aesthetic cognition and aesthetic phenomenology). All these practices and conepts converg towards the central idea in this exposition: the ecology of cognitive practices.
The first impression on your skin
(last edited: 2024)
author(s): Anna Andrejew
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
An eco-feminist perspective on photography
Our vision has untapped, forgotten or perhaps undervalued potentials. These potentials lie within what I would like to coin “the peripheral gaze”. It is at the outskirts and at those distant horizons that I believe great insights lie. It is the gaze of interconnected matter.
At the level of matter we are all equal: everyone and everything consists of matter. Looking with a “peripheral gaze” means seeing which materials are co-performing the image and seeing the ecological interconnections.
In The Ordinary And Ineffable Instant
(last edited: 2023)
author(s): Madelief van de Beek
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Visualisation of Thesis Koud en wit en bleek: Perceiving time in times of grief
Exploratory essay writing. An aesthetic-phenomenological research practice
(last edited: 2022)
author(s): Alex Arteaga
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Published as part of: Alex Arteaga, 'Exploratory Essay Writing. An Aesthetic-Phenomenological Research Practice', in the Special Issue 'Practices of Phenomenological and Artistic Research', (eds.) Alex Arteaga, Emma Cocker, Erika Goble, Juha Himanka, Phenomenology & Practice, [Vol. 17, No.1, 2022], pp.190-200. ISSN 1913-4711. See full issue here:
Welcome to your body
(last edited: 2021)
author(s): Beatrice Zaidenberg, Niamh Schmidtke
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Our research-project focuses on alternative narratives and methods that try to shed light on miniscule beings which are treated as abject bodies.