Après nous, le déluge. The Pyschological Influences of Social Status
author(s): Anna-Elise Ghislaine Doorn
published in: Royal Academy of Art, The Hague
Thesis of the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, 2023
BA Fine Arts
A thesis about the psychological influence of social status on our behavior and way of acting in the West and how this is expressed within my family. A research on how our self-esteem works and what kind of identities we have. What role does clothing and consumption play as a symbol for status. And why do we suffer from status anxiety.
Ta Form
author(s): Klara Waara
published in: VIS - Nordic Journal for Artistic Research
This research, developed in Amsterdam during the repeated courses of lockdown between 2020 and 2022, examines the powers and limitations of fantasy. Processing the mental and ideological undercurrents in Europe, the text describes a trajectory where the visual artist appropriates the role of a poet to explore the possibilities for change and movement in isolation. As thinking, reading and writing alters the protagonist, the appropriating artist becomes appropriated by language. The gradual blending with the observed subjects raises questions about the distinction between the internal and external.
Designed to allow for Emergence: A Learning Rhizome
author(s): Alexios Brailas
published in: Research Catalogue
“Systems Theory, Psychology, and Social Media” is an Erasmus course offered by the Department of Psychology at Panteion University, Athens, Greece. In this course, Erasmus students co-create a unique and wonderful multi-cultural mosaic, ‘the difference that makes the difference.’ In addition to lecturing, participants are engaged in intensive group work during the weekly face-to-face meetings. Between the face-to-face meetings, participants create blog reflections, narratives, and multimodal artifacts about their in-class lived experience regarding the impact social technologies and artificial intelligence have on living systems. Backed up by the technological infrastructure, a network of interconnected personal blogs, students develop a reflective group ecology of practice. The whole project is informed by complex systems’ epistemology. This virtual research exposition demonstrates the overall process in a non-linear and multimodal way. Implications for rhizomatic learning theory and education are discussed.
Between Agony and Ecstasy: Investigations into the Meaning of Pain
author(s): Barbara Macek
published in: Journal for Artistic Research
Pains are moving, alluring us to world-making-activities, attuning our bodies with other bodies and therefore putting us in relation to others. Pains cut into our net of habits, and even the slightest pain causes a transformation. Pains are crushing, deeply distressing, showing us our limitations – but also our capability to go beyond our limits, to outgrow ourselves.
In the course of my literary research for this project I generated 10 PAIN CATEGORIES that I derived from poems, philosophical and literary texts on pain, and my own experiences. These poetical/pictorial categories differ profoundly from pain categories as they are to be found in common pain questionnaires: They refer to the existential dimension of pain and do not differentiate between physical and mental pain in order to overcome the myth of this dichotomy. The next step of my project consisted in going into the field to look at, imagine and feel into pain. I conducted methodical observations in the casualty departments of two Viennese hospitals and developed my own method of "self-reflective observation in the mode of seeing/feeling". The assemblages as part of this exposition present the results of these investigations and reconstruct different perspectives on PAIN as an EXISTENTIAL PHENOMENON.
The use of the mental status examination (MSE) in fictional characters when interpreting and performing the music of Schumann and Bartók
(last edited: 2023)
author(s): Rinde Louise WIllemijn Yildiz
archived in: KC Research Portal
Name: Rinde Yildiz
Main Subject: Viola
Research Coach: Anna Scott
Title of Research:
The use of the mental status examination (MSE) in creating fictional characters when interpreting and performing the music of Schumann and Bartók
Research Question:
How would the MSE of the fictional characters that I create in musical compositions, in combination with relevant biographical information of the composer and scores, influence how I understand, practice and perform Béla Bartók’s Viola Concerto (Op. posthoumus, Tibor Serly Edition) and Robert Schumann’s Märchenbilder (Op. 113)
Summary of Results:
In order to examine how the MSE of fictional musical characters, in combination with relevant biographical information and scores, influences how I understand, practice and perform Béla Bartók’s Viola Concerto (Op. posthumous) and Robert Schumann’s Märchenbilder (Op. 113) I kept up a logbook to write down all the steps I took during this investigation.
The results of this research paper are divided over four layers. Layer one: the biographical information of Schumann and Bartók gained from books, articles and letters; Layer two: a rough interpretation of Schumann’s Märchenbilder and Bartók’s Viola Concerto based on reading scores, examining the manuscripts, playing and listening to various recordings, in combination with biographical information. Layer three: a thorough MSE of the fictional characters that are created in specific sections of Schumann's Märchenbilder and Bartók’s Viola Concerto. Layer four: using the MSE of fictional characters during interpreting, practice and performance and make recordings to find out if there are differences between interpretations before and after the incorporations of fictional characters. During this research I found that the creation and incorporation of fictional characters influenced my playing in such a way that I concretized my interpretations. As a result, I was able to pay more attention to all the details of the piece and to have a clearer image of phrasing. Furthermore, using and experimenting with the MSE meant that I broadened my imaginary palette.
Rinde Yildiz (1991) is a second-year master student at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague where she studies classical viola with Mikhail Zemtsov. During her studies she has been playing in various music groups and formed different ensembles. Besides her studies in music, she studied medicine at the University of Amsterdam where she received her bachelor and master degrees in June 2014 and April 2019 respectively. Concerning her medical studies, Rinde has special interest in the psychiatric branch. Having a background in both medicine and music, she is fascinated in subjects where both fields can be connected.
Rethinking urban movement through the frame of radical psychiatry
(last edited: 2023)
author(s): Dora Ramljak
This exposition is in review and its share status is: visible to all.
Thesis of the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, 2023; BA Photography
Research is the ground for exploring the world. My research paper serves as a guide in the sensorial and caring experience of the world around us as. Written in stages in which patients enter and experience the sensory room, the transition from history to the future opens space for discussion and implementation of observed practices in individual realities.
The beginning chapters introduce radical movements in psychiatry while outlining the historical formation of disability as a social issue. Discussion around illness and disability is observed trough political and philosophical frame. Historical examples provide insight into how the space of the institution itself can re-shape into a progressing form, how the discussion about institutionalised people is de-stigmatised once the closed system of a hospital or an asylum opens to its surrounding environment, and how this can affect the position of healthcare, psychiatry specifically, on the level of a state.
The chapters bring forward current knowledge around body memory and studies around sensory treatments in institutionalized settings. In this chapters, the body is not solely observed in the setting of a hospital or asylum, but brought in the context of perceiving the body as a social and cultural object.
Short poetic digressions are moments of personal reflection, automatic writing that reminds me of moments when I saw the necessity to provide alternative models of care.
The paper contains interviews and transcriptions of conversations I had with my commissioners. Through conversations with medical workers and artists, I reflected upon the current state of care provisions, ranging from institutional care to self-care. The dialogues show sensibility and understanding that a shift in healthcare towards the re-humanization of the ill is needed.
Written in-between moments of working with materials in the workshop settings, research has acted as
Las guerras púdicas
(last edited: 2022)
author(s): Lorena Croceri
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
In this exhibition I develop the concept of responsibility linked to performance art. Through the analysis of the performative installation Las guerras púdicas, I make an approach to the curated integration of fields: cultural practice of cooking, contemporary art, psychoanalysis, synoptic charts and language of war.
Intertwined - What does it mean to be a creative person of faith?
(last edited: 2019)
author(s): Joshua Hale, Kelly J. Arbeau
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
From the most religious to the most secular, no artist ever knows exactly where their creative process is leading—but we all seem to have faith that we will get there. Many factors underlying creativity are also crucial to the act of having faith. These shared factors include ambiguity tolerance, openness to mystery, engaging with paradoxical thinking, perseverance, and questioning. Additionally, those who practice each (creativity, faith) share many guiding phrases, such as “take it one step at a time,” “go with your heart,” and “trust the process.” This interdisciplinary arts-based research project explores the experience of being a self-identified creative who practices a faith or religion. The exhibition combines methods from arts-based research, human centered design, and phenomenology to describe the intersections between the creative practices and faith perspectives of 15 individuals. The experience of our participants is that of creativity and faith combining—intertwining—to form an interactional, hybrid experience that is profoundly different from each experience on its own.
Freeing the Creative Mind - An exploration of thought patterns and their effect on musical performance
(last edited: 2016)
author(s): Makram A. Hosn
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
The subject of the Psychology of performance has interested me more than anything in the past few years. The reason behind this is that I believe that all trouble that I encountered as a musician (fears, creative blocks, procrastination...) are products of my mental activity. I set out to observe my own mental activity, conscious and unconscious and to collect data from related literature and scientific research to utlimately attempt to reprogram my thought patterns to work for me, rather than against me. The end product is this "reflective practitioner" research that I've completed for my Master of Music degree entitled "Freeing the Creative Mind".
Meta-Landscapes: Expressions of Temporal Consciousness, New Abstractions in Photography
(last edited: 2015)
author(s): Jason Engelund
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Artist Jason Engelund approaches photography by addressing psychological frameworks of different world-time views, and shifts in perceptions of time during individual events. The notion of a “visual time signature” is proposed, a phrase to describe types of temporal consciousness, incorporating cultural and individual time perception as they relate to cognition, experience, and image. Expressions of the “meta-landscape” encompassing both the psychological landscape and actual landscape are pictured and discussed.