HONEYMOON IN POMPEII - work in progress
author(s): Sven Vinge
published in: International Center for Knowledge in the Arts (Denmark)
“HONEYMOON IN POMPEII – work-in-progress” is an artistic research project conducted at the National Film School of Denmark. In it, I explore transmediality through the production of a prototype artwork spanning film, literary text, sculpture, and virtual reality all loosely inspired by the archeological technique used to cast the Pompeian victims of the Vesuvius eruption in 79 ad.
I describe my initial inspiration and how I changed my intentions of exploring a consistent storyworld to more abstract associations and themes and the different collaborative efforts in producing the four parts of the prototype (a test not meant for public exhibition). The prototype ended up consisting of:
1) A film representing a foot specialist helping a costumer try running shoes in a sports store but showing an obsessive interest in her feet and crossing her personal boundaries.
2) A literary text consisting of selected passages of Wilhelm Jensen’s short novel “Gradiva” (1902) translated to Danish in which we meet the young archeologist Norbert Hanold and notice his obsession with an ancient bas-relief portraying a young woman walking.
3) A sculpture consisting of four transparent plastic reliefs depicting a walking woman (copies of the bas-relief described in the novel) suspended in a 1x2x2 meter aluminum frame.
4) An erotic virtual reality experience in which the perceiver’s bodily movements affects the virtual world. When moving, the represented scene freezes and vice versa.
We conducted a test of the joint transmedia artwork with a small group of respondents who answered a questionnaire reflecting on their experience. I reflect on the respondent’s answers and propose further questions and themes that may be interesting to explore through artistic research: How does one explore transmediality not necessarily in relation to a consistent storyworld but also relying on abstract characteristics? What are the limits (if any) between mixed media art, transmedia art, and installation art? How can transmediality be explored as either a goal in itself or as a development tool for artists working with particular media in mind? Could it be beneficial to explore transmediality through the metaphor of archeology and how?
Storyworld 2.0
author(s): Simon Jon Andreasen
published in: National Film School of Denmark
In this project we are exploring how you can use gaming technology to create digital STORYWORLDS (transmedial universes) as a basis for creating film, theater, games, television, comics, books, VR and formats we do not yet know.
The exposition contains:
- a personal artistic and practical journey through familiar yet unknown story territory where we build an actual world
- a series of interviews with professional storytellers about their artistic ways and how they use and can use storyworld thinking
- three excercises which can be used in teaching of students as well as professionals in the art of creating storyworlds.
Finaly the exposition propose a new UNIVERSE DEVISING model blending game and theater methods to create transmedial universes.
Presença de Cheshire
(last edited: 2021)
author(s): Maria Peres
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
O projeto desenvolvido auto propõe-se como um lugar de fala da Escuta.
O seu ponto de partida encontra-se com a celebração do Solstício de Inverno em diversos lugares do Mundo — que rapidamente se estende num universo epistémico, cognitivo, com espaços para pensamento e especulação.
Como humanos, possuímos uma abertura natural e particular para com os novos encontros e experiências com o outro — não só pragmaticamente mas também teoricamente e esteticamente. Heidegger foi o impulsionador desta nova relação com o que nos rodeia, e este projeto revela e prolonga o que se encontra sob este embrulho que é esta responsável essência humana.
A aproximação de novos espaços para leitura, de novos espaços de partilha — clubes do livro, conferências académicas, — e novos espaços de conversa possibilitou a definição da perspetiva da metáfora que une toda a reflexão desenvolvida. Reflexão essa que torna notáveis e ressoantes a música, a empatia, a aceitação, a alteridade e a ética.
Uma caixinha de música irá proteger o verdadeiro projeto. Será o meio que irá abrigar e permitir o mergulho sonoro em toda a contemplação experienciada com esta manifestação.