Embodied Wave
Yegyeong Cha
Thesis of the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, 2022
BA Interactive Media Design
Since the Covid19 pandemic began, we have to wear a mask to protect ourselves. Not being able to see full facial expressions and hear the voice can be crucial to the interaction of speaking a second language. Additionally, with most of our physical routines online, it has become impossible to see the whole body, making it difficult to observe non-verbal messages. This thesis explores the ideas of how we can communicate more efficiently if the current phenomenon continues. How could we communicate when our language delivery is impaired?
It argues that communication obstruction caused by the mask worn can be overcome
with bodily communication with gestures and eye contact. Gestures as a symbolic action and eye contact as a window by emotionally synchronising brain waves require a deeper level of contextual and emotional exchange. Empathising from a desire to understand and to be understood can break a blockage by connecting together. Furthermore, the thesis suggests what mindset and position we need to take when experiencing difficulties of cultural differences during bodily communication. If we keep the gestures simple and embrace the embodied cultures and co-learn the diversities, we can go beyond language and connect globally.
A Guide To Nether-Hell : A Journey Through Depiction & Experience From A Nether-Divergent Perspective
Lorenzo Quint
Thesis of the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, 2022
BA Interactive Media Design
I was born and raised in The Netherlands, a country that is seen and communicated as a rich and prosperous country where you can be yourself and over/underwhelm yourself in the lowlands paradise. But what if you don’t always feel like you belong in it?
When you don’t feel like you fit the frame or archetype, it can feel like you go through hell. In my case, it’s the archetype of my neurodivergence (PDDNOS/ADHD) vs the neurotypical mindset. The Netherlands shares its low geological position with the Nether-Hell from Dante Alghieri’s Inferno. Starting from that position and looking at The Netherlands through that lens, my thesis is in a constant zigzag between hell on earth and hell in fiction but also targeting the archetypes like demons / sinners / the location of hell, the feeling of hell and the acceptance of hell. When you don’t fit in a frame that is shaped by a certain status quo, you seek comfort in the damned. The Damned are the poor, lame, sick and the blind. The reader is challenged to look at sins and taboos through a lens of politics, policy and pop culture. Who is the decision maker and why would one follow? into eternity. When it comes to the status quo, the question is stopped with the answer: “Because we have always done it like this.” He who pays the piper, calls the tune.
Data Holds Your Truths. The Avatar Complex: I trust your gargoyle id more than I trust you.
Megan Annette Irusta Cornet
The Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, 2023
BA Photography
Within this piece of writing, different styles of writing have been approached as a performance strategy, a guise we humans willingly and unwillingly commit to every day, online and offline. The overarching themes this text seeks to tackle are alienation and escapism; what I think are the prominent can of worms which ooze from the Internet. Double-edged swords; beautiful and horrifyingly ugly. Alienation to oneself as well as alienating others through the digital sphere. With serious regard to the importance of avatar customisation as a form of expression, yet also acknowledging the destruction within it, it is also the very thing which is actively dislocating us from the IRL (in-real-life). The core to understanding who you are online, how you present yourself online, compared to who you are behind the screen. The text’s leading objective is to hypothesise a world where humans are given the option (highly recommended) to extract our online data to make more of a truthful analysis of who we really are. The prevalence of how capitalistic structures only feed alienation more. If the future consists of post-human and/or transhuman existence, by transmitting our data to gargoyle avatars, creatures which will take the form of one’s avatar, gargoyles are said to protect what they serve. A new gargoyle is designed by your data alone. Data anthropomorphism, the Avatar Complex.
BITCHES, Beauty standards investigation through the lens of cosmetic surgery, hyperfemininity & self-branding
Royal Academy of Art, The Hague
Thesis of the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, 2023
BA Photography
In deze research paper verken ik het hedendaagse schoonheidsideaal. Ik start mijn onderzoek vanuit een nieuwsgierigheid naar hoe cosmetische chirurgie een plek heeft in de wereld om ons heen, en in mijn eigen leven. Als ondergrond voor mijn onderzoek reageer ik op een aflevering van de podcast DAMN, HONEY waarin sociologe Giselinde Kuipers in gesprek gaat over haar research met betrekking tot het heersende schoonheidsideaal. Daarnaast reflecteer ik op persoonlijke ervaringen uit mijn jeugd en huidige leven. In de loop van het onderzoek verschuift mijn aandacht gedeeltelijk van cosmetische chirurgie naar het schoonheidsideaal en de complexiteit rondom ‘zien en gezien’ worden voor vrouwen(lichamen) in het publiekelijk domein. Naast deze theoretische verkenning plaats ik mijn gedachten in een visueel raamwerk dat bestaat uit relevante fotografie en veelal kritische documentaires over cosmetische chirurgie.
Blue sky and Wonder, a Landscape without horizon
Yasmin Kök
Thesis of the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, 2023
BA Fine Arts
Death, ritual, religion, my cultural heritage, I guess I am trying to make sense of it. We share some same questions. We are not sure about the answers we provide. Via condensed nodes, I try to unravel my ‘truth'. As I can predict, this piece of research will make me less sure about myself, and my beliefs. But that is okay. I know these issues will stay uncertain throughout my life. But the topics keep coming back to me daily. Being confronted with many possibilities, and freedom of choice, as far as I believe choices are free, I take a dive.
To see death, the dead, from up close, to see someone disappear, fascinates me and at the same time frightens me. It is a bundle of stories. My own and an analysis of stories of others. I research many aspects of death, around death, that goes hand in hand with us.
Our existence. My spirituality. My body and mind. I and other, mother, father sister, brother. A goalless search without hierarchy or linear approach.
Binnen Dansen with a magnifying glass
Louise Noordam
Thesis of the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, 2023
BA Textile and Fashion
Binnen Dansen with a magnifying glass.
A journey from within to find my real true self through eczema struggles, stress and societal pressure.
This thesis researches the influence of society, trauma and stress on someone’s personality and authenticity and the implications it can bring to your health and well-being. As well as giving a possible solution to overcome and heal. This is done by analysing my personality and behaviour and researching the Dutch societal structure I grew up in. And researching the impact it has had on causing autoimmune eczema that I have suffered with for ten years. Theories from Gabor Maté, Bessel van der Kolk and Sigmund Freud are there to explain and question the causes and influences, as well as teach their perspective.
With this thesis, I would like you to know that you are not alone. This is to give hope and motivation to every single person that is struggling and suffering from an autoimmune disease, in particular autoimmune eczema. Or who feels like they are not living life as their most authentic self. This thesis can provide you with insights and knowledge on how to alleviate your pain and, like me, work towards a future free of disease, stress and trauma.
Athina Eleftheriou
Thesis of the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, 2023
BA Textile and Fashion Design
The aim of this thesis is to explore how setting up interaction between personal memories and the materiality of ordinary used objects contribute in new perspectives within the fashion context.
Après nous, le déluge. The Pyschological Influences of Social Status
Anna-Elise Ghislaine Doorn
Thesis of the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, 2023
BA Fine Arts
A thesis about the psychological influence of social status on our behavior and way of acting in the West and how this is expressed within my family. A research on how our self-esteem works and what kind of identities we have. What role does clothing and consumption play as a symbol for status. And why do we suffer from status anxiety.
Cultivating Companionship A conversation about cornfields and communities.
Lina Maria Hülsmann
Our connection to the land is crucial, yet the Anthropocene mindset alienated us from being part of nature.
This research paper is a thorough report of fieldwork, map studies, interviews, experiments and theories related to the domain of philosophy, biology, anthropology, sociology and ecology. By consulting a variety of literature resources of renowned thinkers like Donna Haraway, Arturo Escobar and Bruno Latour you share with them to envision the Anthropocene as a fundamental crisis of modernity with an emphasis on the human detachment from nature.
Working with the corn plant as a symbol of Anthropocene agriculture, this thesis deals with the topics of community and the importance to embrace biodiversity. Based on a case study in Bersenbrück, a small town in North-West Germany, I raise the alarm about one of the most disputable topics in today’s agriculture industry: monoculture.
Since the 1960s the landscape has been dominated by maize being the main cause for the transition from small-scale, self-sufficient farming towards the industrialized production of cornfields.
The origins of the cultivation of the maize was regarded to bind together families and communities, today it has a devastating effect on bio-diversity. On a larger scale maize appears to enforce a capitalist structure of food production and is considered one of the largest contributors to the emission of climate change.
Further, the research leads to opportunities that evolve out of the current agricultural situation. Material experiments with a waste product of monoculture-maize plantations, testify how a deep interest and curiosity can evolve into spatial design and encompass a ‘new level of esteem’. These spatial and material proposals allow the formation of new relationships between humans and nature, between communities and ecosystems.
To ‘cultivating companionship’ expresses optimism and call-to-action in order to contribute to a resilient future where participation as a form of civic engagement and social solidarity is its main core.
The concept of companionship became also a tool that results from empathy, sensitivity, care and compassion, building op on a critical lens, aiming to work together within the situation, the site and the inhabitants.
Archival Resonance
Marco Dell' Abate
The thesis deals with the theme of cultural loss in Salento (South-East of Italy) by investigating 4 different
contexts where loss is happening, and how elements of cultural heritage translate and degrade
into the contemporary age:
• Language, with an investigation of the ancient Grìko language, a tongue of lower Salento, in state of disappearing
• The Olive Tree, once a cornerstone of Salentinian agrarian tradition, now subjected
to a rapid decay due to the Xylella bacteria, and the political/social inability to deal with
the problem
• Dry-stone walls, a practice in process of being forgotten. This theme is used as
a gateway to talk about embodied cognition, and the impossibility to translate a
whole culture in a digital context
• Taranta, once a practice of emotional re/expression, now disappeared in its entire-
ty as a ritual and only existing as a memory
Dreams of Lands: Unlearning the Modern Heritage for a Resilient Tomorrow.
Fanny Noel
Thesis of the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, 2023
BA Fine Arts
Dreams of Lands weaves the author's personal heritage to the modern history of Europe in order to understand the current ecological crisis. Questioning the cultural European context in parallel to the native American cosmology, the author enhances the current dynamics of extraction and production that overshadow most of the urban dweller's life.
The research is followed by a gardening handbook for artists and the detailed process of the realisation of a garden in the Royal Academy of the Arts. Both are thought as concrete tools for changing the way we are being human in our world in crisis.