ANTIVIRUS !Make some domestic noise! on ∏ Node Part I
author(s): Sarah Brown and Valentina Vuksic, Valentina Vuksic
published in: Journal of Sonic Studies
Stream your domestic appliances on fridge, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, coffee machine, etc. You can also use gardening tools.
I’ll mix them and re-stream the mix on ANTIVIRUS.
(As you know, we can easily mix different streams on the p-node website by changing the volume levels and streaming the mix at the end.)
ANTIVIRUS !Make some domestic noise! on ∏ Node Part II
author(s): Sarah Brown and Valentina Vuksic, Valentina Vuksic
published in: Journal of Sonic Studies
!Make Some Domestic Noise! was a series of collective online performances that took place during the first COVID-19 lockdown. They featured what might be described as an online domestic noise big band. As everyone was isolated at home, the ∏ Node collective launched the Antivirus program to train people on how to join and contribute their own stream and sounds.
Being alone at home can be stressful, but it can also reveal the beauty of everyday noises.
On a weekly basis, people were invited by email to participate by playing with the noises of their domestic appliances and live stream the results. These separate audio streams were then mixed in real time and sent to the main output stream. This was enabled by the ∏ Node site structure, which provides a volume control for every active stream. The website also has an Internet Relay Chat through which participants can, and did, directly interact.