Sounding the futures imaginary: A collaborative intra-modal storying methodology
author(s): Rachel Horst, Kedrick James, Yuya Takeda, Esteban Morales, Effiam Yung
published in: Research Catalogue
The pandemic is not one coherent narrative but an unbounded multiplicity of narrative ravellings. One theme that can be traced through the course of the past two years is the undoings and redoings of normalcy, including normalcy in qualitative research. Our digital literacy research group took up the pandemic as a canvas upon which to story new futurities and possibilities for qualitative research in physical separation within the context of slow-moving upheaval. At the outset of the first physical lockdown in March of 2020, we began a collaborative and multimodal futures fictioning practice, storying new communicative possibilities and potentialities. Over the course of fourteen months, we reached into each other’s imagination, isolation, temporality, and physical environment via story and sound. This exposition charts our diffractive fictioning methodology, in which we collectively map communicative practices and collaborative meaning in virtual spaces in a time when coherence and consensus have become radically fractured. A cyborg skunk moves through this assemblage of poetry, sonification, narrative, performance, theory, and silence, flicking its many imagined tales and nudging its noses at the wreckage of the normal in search of difference.