walmeri ribeiro

Brazil °1978
research interests: performance as research; proceedings; documentation; practice as research;, ecology of practices
affiliation: Fluminense Federal University| Rio de Janeiro|BRazil

Walmeri Ribeiro is an artist, professor and researcher. Having a background in performance art and media studies, she is interested in the intersections between performance, media art and environmental issues. Full professor at the Universidade Federal Fluminense in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, she has completed a post-doctoral project at the Concordia University in Montreal, a PhD project at the PUC|SP and a Master in Arts at the UNICAMP|SP.

Based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, she coordinates the BrisaLAB – Laboratory of Performance, Media Art and Environmental issues and the Sensitive Territories Project ( FAPERJ| 2020-2022).


research expositions (collaborated)