An artist, facilitator, and researcher working across choreography, visual arts, and academia.
Focusing on the dramaturgy of existing or created situations, Cogne sees choreography as a way to create movement and suspension, positioning, and displacement in relation to economy and knowledge.
Since August 2021: associate professor in Text-Based Art at The Art Academy - Department of Contemporary Art (University of Bergen).
Snce January 2019: senior researcher at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, conducting the FWF Elise Richter PEEK project: The dramaturgy of Conversation (V709).
In 2015-18: post-doc researcher at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, where she initiated and developed Six Formats (funded by FWF, PEEK AR291) to question formats of presentation, communication, and circulation of knowledge in Arts-based research. In 2017-18, she created the Object of Communication.
In 2011-15: junior researcher (PhD in Practice – Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and Doctoral School of Human and Social Sciences – CEAC, University of Lille). with the research project “Displacement(s) as Method(s). Questioning the notions “displacement” on the physical, political, and perceptive levels and “method” in between theory and practice, process and product; and using the notions “situation”, “presence”, and “performativity” as filters she articulated her research between body, spoken, and written languages in a matrix composed of five methods, three practices, and the art piece WORK (2015).
Cogne is editor and author of Dansbaren—The Mob without Flash (2016) and For and By Six Formats (2018).