Voyager's Record
author(s): Paulina Brelińska
published in: Research Catalogue
Point of departure.
The exhibition "The Voyager's Record" refers to traveling as such a form of mobility, which results from the
internal need to see inaccessible, undiscovered, lost and mysterious places. Its title refers to the name of two
gold-plated disks - The Voyager Golden Record - which was placed in the 1970s on board of spacecraft
launched as part of the Voyager program. There were some specific recordings and photographs on these disks
that were supposed to show the life cycle of the human species on Earth to the extraterrestrial viewers. The
exhibition showing the latest works created by young artists figuratively refers to the untamed dreams of seeing
unknown lands and what is more the cosmos. Artists’ projects pay attention to the images and elements of
nature that interest them during their “expeditions” (expedition is translated as “mobility organized for a specific
purpose”). Such concept situates the artist in the position of a researcher/explorer who archives/documents
reality and nature for a specific purpose. These objects are deprived of the features of the “artifact” (translated as
“incorrect element of the scientific research result”). On the contrary, they become a specific scientific record
depicting life on Earth.
During the nineteenth century, when the ideological trend called romanticism was developing, the author of the
book “COSMOS. Alexander Humboldt's physical description of the world” noticed that nature is a constant
object of the discoverer's fascination. When observing the works of contemporary artists, the aforementioned
glorification of nature seems to be still super important. Humboldt wrote: "Children's joy at the sight of the
particular figures of the countries and the closed seas, as geographical cards show us; the desire to see the
constellations of the southern sky that are not on our firmament; images of palm and Lebanon cedars in the holy
scriptures; they are all things as an example cited, and which are capable of awakening in the young soul
unreasonable desire to see distant lands.”
The exhibition is a story about spiritual travels, as well as about feelings that accompany the search for one's
own nature. Staying in a state of suspension, properly distant from reality, very credible memorabilia arise -
telling a lot about the Earth itself. However, it is not so much its scientific portrait that is important but the
presentation of our planet from the perspective of the internal experiences of its inhabitants.
Paulina Brelińska
(last edited: 2021)
author(s): Tercet ¿ Czy badania artystyczne ?
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Przygotowany przez nas tekst dotyka problemu specyfiki badań artystycznych na gruncie sztuk performatywnych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem praktyk ruchowych, tanecznych i choreograficznych, osadzonych w polskim kontekście. Do napisania tekstu zaprosiły nas osoby związane z Pracownią Kuratorską (Zuzanna Berendt, Anna Majewska, Maciej Guzy, Weronika Wawryk, Ada Ruszkiewicz) - z którymi intensywnie dyskutowałyśmy, konfrontowałyśmy wyobraźnie i konsultowałyśmy nasze pomysły dotyczące obranego przez nas kierunku prowadzenia narracji. Uważamy, że eksplorowanie i systematyzowanie (nawet nierygorystyczne) praktyk twórczo-badawczych, wymaga bliskiej współpracy z tymi, którzy tego rodzaju działań się podejmują. Dlatego do różnych etapów pracy nad tekstem zaprosiłyśmy do wymiany i konsultacji osoby blisko związane nie tylko z badaniami artystycznymi, ale również z szeroko pojmowanymi ruchem, tańcem, performansem.