Julian Klein, composer and director, head of Institute for Artistic Research Berlin, studied composition, mathematics and physics, is member of the art group a rose is and founding president of the Society for Artistic Research in Germany GKFD as well as founder of digital-stage.org. He teaches directing at the University of Arts Berlin and tought and researched at various universities, a.o. at Free University Berlin, Bauhaus University Weimar, HfMDK Frankfurt am Main, Mozarteum Salzburg, Concordia Montréal, Kunstuni Linz. His research interests include artistic mode, practice and theory of playing, mise en musique, neuroaesthetics, emotionology, sonification, historical investigation.
Selected Works
2020. Hans Schleif - online @ Schauspielhaus Zurich
2015/2017. The Balloon
2013. Infamous Perspectives
2011. Hans Schleif.
2008. HUM - the Art of Collecting. www.taxomania.de
2001-2004. Brain study. Performance Installation for interconnected Brain Players
Selected Texts
2018. The Mode is the Method or How Research can become artistic
2015. Artistic Research Does Not Exist - and how she managed not to be afraid
2010. What is Artistic Research?
2010. Fundamental principles of an artistic theory of relativity.
more Publications see www.artistic-research.de/publications
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