Zygmunt Piotrowski

Poland (residence) °1947


research expositions

  • open exposition comments (2)


Exposition: INVISIBLE MATTER OF FINE ART (15/10/2013) by Zygmunt Piotrowski
Zygmunt Piotrowski 10/04/2014 at 21:48

compare: http://www.noahwarsaw.pl/

Exposition: INVISIBLE MATTER OF FINE ART (15/10/2013) by Zygmunt Piotrowski
Zygmunt Piotrowski 11/11/2013 at 21:51



[emergency call]

Art today is no longer a question of aesthetics; it is the question of human survival.


[the question]

An ephemeral object of art as the spherical screen of subharmonics in space?

might it be used as the personal protective barrier against nuclear radiation?

