
The Unimportance of Why - exploring liminal space in narrative gaps (2024)

Sara Key

About this exposition

Master in Film & Media, Thesis project, SKH/Stockholm University of the Arts - the Art of Impact 2024 Film as doing philosophy, and the liminal experience explored within the narrative gap of character creation, as a space for pre-reflective thought and attention. Themes of Melancholy and Memory works as architecture for experimenting with spatiality and temporality. With ideas of Film as Poetic Art, I have explored the How and Now in film acting with a tension dependent non-linear script motivated by the works of filmmaker Chantal Akerman. What happens with us as filmmakers when we refuse to answer questions? What happens with the spectator when we refuse to give answers? Is there a gap created or are the gaps the magic that happens in between the creation?
typeresearch exposition
keywordsNow, gaps, Chantal Akerman, attention, Simone Weil, Directing, Acting, the thinking actor, spectatorship, liminal space, aporía, le Guin, Glissant, ethical thinking, philosophy, poetic film
last modified29/05/2024
share statuspublic
affiliationMA, the Art of Impact, SKH
copyrightSara Key
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
published inStockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
portal issue0. Published expositions


  • Akerman, Chantal, Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai De Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles, 1975
  • Akerman, Chantal, Jái Faim, Jái Froid, 1974
  • Breillat, Catheriine, “lété Dernier”, 2023
  • Chene, Swart, Re-Authoring the World (Randburg, 2013)
  • Dauterman, Mary, Booger, 2023
  • Engberg, Mia, The Visual Silence, 2023
  • Glissant, Édouard, and Betsy Wing (translation to english), the Poetics of Relations (Michigan: The University of Michigan Press, 1997)
  • Goldman, Marianne, Ett Trevligt (judiskt ) Par Ur Nätter Med Familjen Cohen (Gothenburg: Korpen Förlag, 2023)
  • Hayes, Janys, The Knowing Body, 2010
  • Key, Sara, “Niceties (trevligheter)”, 2025
  • Maurice, Merlaau-Ponty, Phenomenology of Perception, 1945
  • Satter, Tina, “Reality”, 2023
  • Scherfig, Lone, “La Contadora De Peliculas”, 2023
  • Shakespeare, William, As You Like It, 1599
  • Shakespeare, William, Richard II, 1595


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