
Speculation on change from the posture of performance art practice (2016)

Tero Nauha

About this exposition

In this exposition, change is perceived as an essential part of the paradigm of immanent capitalism, where the transcending immanence articulates the world of capitalism. In other words, capitalism is a system of exchange and economy, where all arrangements within this system are determined by economic functions, such as exchange or constant flux of matter and meanings articulated by sufficient reason. The capital form of thought - that is to say the philosophy of capitalism - is economic, sufficient and productive. The transcending immanence of capitalism produces the world, the immanence of capitalism is a transcending immanence. This exposition is set to inquire how these forms affect the position of artistic practice. The focus will be on the possible limits of economic and sufficient forms of thought, or what is speculation in this context. In recent discourse on the paradigm of Anthropocene and speculation of nonhuman thought, the distinction between the human and the ‘world not for humans’, or the world in itself and the experience of the world, have instigated another perspective to regard the immanence of capitalism only as an arrangement or ‘pseudo-immanence’. However, due to space constraints, this exposition is a mere introduction to the ongoing research of mine subsequent to the examination of my doctoral research on schizoanalysis and artistic research held on January 2016. In short, I ask: how can we speculate on the limits of change from the perspective of artistic research including the different arrangements of nonhuman thought and the immanent capitalism?
typeresearch exposition
keywordsuusmaterialismi, spekulatiivinen materialismi, skitsoanalyysi, performance, new materialism, speculative materialism, schizoanalysis
last modified03/10/2016
share statusprivate
affiliationTheatre Academy of The Art University Helsinki
licenseAll rights reserved
published inRUUKKU - Studies in Artistic Research
portal issue6. Change in Artistic Research


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