
You and Me and Everything Around Us (2020)

Zoe Panagiota (aka Betty) Nigianni

About this exposition

Single channel video, 3’, 2008 The probe for the work was the philosophical question what it is to exist in the world: in environments, with others, people, objects, surfaces; and whether the answer can be intuited. The work evokes the temporality of such experiences, which is contingent upon the ever-changing nature of things. Objects have often had multiple owners, and so they carry traces of previous worlds. When encountering objects new to us, we may find ourselves appropriating them through affective attachment to assimilate them into our world. Inspired by the everyday lives of the house's occupants, the work is also about the affective bonds developed during and because of their temporary co-existence. Experimentation with overlaying resonates with the artistic expression of overlapping materials, textures, spatial qualities, and reflected images. Photographs, film footage and sounds were recorded in an improvised way over a one year period in an old house in Walthamstow, East London. The artistic treatment of the subject matter as a time-based media assemblage, which exploits the home style video format, critiques popular staged presentations of everyday life, while exploring the house as an evolving over time system.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsobject, affect, temporality, everydayness, metaphor, representation
last modified02/02/2020
share statusprivate
copyrightBetty Nigianni
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
published inResearch Catalogue

Simple Media

id name copyright license
300698 youmeeverythinlg_prog001_317 Betty Nigianni All rights reserved
299245 1316032650 Betty Nigianni All rights reserved
299243 9200941 Betty Nigianni All rights reserved
299242 15689 Betty Nigianni All rights reserved
299240 8847632 Betty Nigianni All rights reserved
299238 5657093 Betty Nigianni All rights reserved
299236 2987 Betty Nigianni All rights reserved
299234 6328425 Betty Nigianni All rights reserved
787214 1316032650 Betty Nigianni All rights reserved
787230 P9200981 Betty Nigianni All rights reserved
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comments: 1 (last entry by Zoe Panagiota (aka Betty) Nigianni - 23/03/2023 at 16:37)