Polarizing Attention – Drawing under the microscope
(last edited: 2022)
author(s): Paulo Luís Almeida, Mário Bismarck
connected to: i2ADS - Research Institute in Art, Design and Society
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
'Polarizing Attention' is an exploratory workshop on Drawing under the microscope. It brings together Fine Arts and Biochemistry students from the University of Porto around biological samples prepared with the tano-ferric method by the Portuguese scientist Abel Salazar.
The goal is to identify and explore observation and visualization practices under the microscope in students with different backgrounds in art and STEM areas. By creating modes of interaction between student scientists and artists, the workshop aims to empower students to create their own visual representations, instead of relying their observation and study on pre-existing visual models.
Microscopic drawing, based on the histological drawing method described by Abel Salazar, is understood as a form of reasoning requiring a process of translation between visual models.
This workshop is part of the research project ‘DRAWinU – Drawing Across University Borders’ (i2ADS-FBAUP) and the Colloquium ‘Transits, Marks, Representations and the Golgi’, based on the work of scientist Abel Salazar (ICBAS).
Desenho e Observação para Médicos
(last edited: 2023)
author(s): Marina Vale Guedes
connected to: i2ADS - Research Institute in Art, Design and Society
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Desenho e observação para médicos é uma Unidade Curricular de Competências Transversais que promove o ensino do desenho, adaptado aos estudantes de medicina e medicina dentária da Universidade do Porto. Esta UC desafia os estudantes a reconhecerem a importância do desenho e da sua linguagem visual como um instrumento de apoio à aprendizagem enquadrado na sua formação académica. Considerando que o ensino da Medicina se apoia na observação do corpo humano e das imagens que o representam, a prática do desenho pode tornar-se útil não só no entendimento da Anatomia, mas também como uma ferramenta importante de comunicação entre médicos e pacientes. A possibilidade de entender e comunicar construindo as próprias imagens contribui para consolidar e complementar competências cognitivas e comunicacionais relevantes para as suas áreas de formação. O desenvolvimento desta UC está integrado no projeto de investigação DRAWinU – Drawing Across University Borders (i2ADS-FBAUP).
Drawing and observation for doctors is a course of drawing specially created for medicine and dentistry students at the University of Porto. This course challenges students to recognize the importance of drawing and its visual language as a learning tool to support their academic training. Considering that teaching within medicine context is based on the observation of the human body and the images that represent it, the practice of drawing can become useful not only in understanding anatomy but also as an important tool for communication between doctors and patients. The possibility of understanding and communicating through their images helps to consolidate and complement cognitive and communication skills relevant to their areas of training. The development of this course is part of the research project DRAWinU – Drawing Across University Borders (i2ADS-FBAUP).