•• Citing Kandinsky : Notation Experiment

By happy accident. I found the works of Wassily Kandinsky some time after I began notating spatal experiences.  I found his work to speak to mine as though they were of the same language.  I became really inspired, and grateful as I had some impression my works were abstract, and possibly unclear.  However, this gave me great comfort that there is some engaging quality to the form of line and dot.


I workshopped his writing 'On the Artist'.  By this, I vocalised the sound to be found in a white room with metal features.  The room is used a lot to show works, and the floor is covered in paint marks and splashes of past experiments.  I wanted to render the quality of the room itself justice, and give it a voice.  The audio can be found below.


The white sheets in the slideshow are the minimalist details provided to the spectator.  By engaging with them afterwards, I got insights into how they navigated the seemingly simple room.  I investigated their navigation, localisation and points of intrigue.