University of Agder, Faculty of Fine Arts
About this portal
The Faculty of Fine Arts at UiA aims to display the wide range of our artistic research work and highlight our unique profile - where we include both artistic performance, educational and academic ways of working without regarding them as rigidly divided.
We invite our staff to show and publish artistic research in the broadest sense, with an emphasis on using modalities other than text to show the work. The faculty uses Research in the Arts as an overarching term for the design and aim of multimodal publication through RC, and we will draw on the traditions of both Artistic Research and Arts Based Research.
contact person(s):
Astrid Marie Lund Gilje url:
Recent Issues
2. Published works at ph.d level
Reviewed and published doctoral dissertations.
1. Published works at master level
Master thesis from 2023 to date.
0. Documents
Public guidelines and internal procedures regulating the portal.
Recent Activities
The Remixician and the Triaxis
author(s): Kristian Isachsen
published in: University of Agder, Faculty of Fine Arts
An artistic research project exploring the art of live remixing through the lens of the music philosophical framework "The Remixician's Triaxis". The project resulted in live studio recordings with multi-camera video of my duo with Alessandra Bossa - Before Without.
Songwriting and AI
author(s): Celine Lyng
published in: University of Agder, Faculty of Fine Arts
In this thesis, I explore and research songwriters' experience of using artificial intelligence as a songwriting tool. To do so, three participants have explored the use of two different artificial intelligence tools in their songwriting session, in collaboration with me. One of the tools is used to inspire lyrical writing and one is to create a starting point for chord progressions. To gather data, I have had three collaborative songwriting sessions, where the artists and I use the tools whilst writing a song for their artist project. As well as the sessions, there was held six qualitative interviews, two per artist. The first one was for documenting their prior experience and expectations. The second interview was held after they had received a produced demo. This was used to ask about their experiences writing songs with artificial intelligence. We also talked about the song related to ownership. The thesis questions whether artificial intelligence will make one more productive, too productive, or even if the tools can be perceived as distracting.
In addition to using Artificial Intelligence in three different songwriting sessions, I have researched the ethical dilemmas with using AI, such as copyright infringements, and discussing options for opting out of having one’s work be a part of the training of an AI.
My personal journey highly inspires the thesis through using artificial intelligence for my musical project. By using the same process as the three participants are taking part in, my debut EP, Sugarcoated, was created.
This thesis is approved by SIKT (816719).
Idé-generering for gitarister: Kreative Metoder som utgangspunkt for komposisjon
author(s): Hans-Kristian Holthe
published in: University of Agder, Faculty of Fine Arts
I denne research-creation oppgaven har jeg utforsket hvordan gitarister tar i bruk kreative verktøy for å utløse og realisere idéer. Jeg har i løpet av oppgaven intervjuet et utvalg gitarister samt innhentet data fra lydinnsamling. Som en del av oppgaven har jeg også komponert 6 komposisjoner som jeg presenterer i løpet av resultatene. I refleksjonen reflekterer jeg rundt samspillet mellom både vitenskapelige og kunstneriske metoder, og funnene som har blitt gjort. Dette har resultert i ny kunnskap både i utløsnings- og realiserings-stadiet i komponeringsprosessen.
How to explore the contemporary possibilities of the Duduk
author(s): Canberk Ulaş
published in: University of Agder, Faculty of Fine Arts
How to explore the contemporary possibilities of the Duduk
Ableton Live som kreativt verktøy for trommeslagere
author(s): Solveig Nyhus
published in: University of Agder, Faculty of Fine Arts
I dette kunstneriske utviklingsarbeidet har jeg eksperimentert med ulike måter å bruke Ableton Live som et kreativt verktøy. Dette med utgangspunkt i mitt hovedinstrument - trommer. Jeg har som en del av masteroppgaven komponert og produsert tre låter. Beskrivelsen av og refleksjonen rundt komposisjonsprosessen presenteres i kontekst av vitenskapelig teori og metode. I løpet av refleksjonen setter jeg ord på en ny bevisstgjøring rundt min kombinerte rolle som utøver, komponist og produsent gjennom solo-komprovisasjon og hvordan dette har gitt meg ny innsikt i egne estetiske preferanser. Jeg reflekterer også over hvordan teknologien jeg benyttet meg av påvirket komposisjonene, hovedsakelig hvordan trommespillet, sound, lydvalg og formen på låtene ble direkte påvirket av hvordan jeg samhandlet med teknologien.
Guidelines for internal academic assessment of publications in RC, Faculty of Fine Arts, UiA
author(s): Astrid Marie Lund Gilje
published in: University of Agder, Faculty of Fine Arts
To showcase the width of artistic research and at the faculty, and with reference to the faculty's unique profile where we incorporate artistic, pedagogical, and academic methodologies without seeing them as rigidly separate, colleagues are invited to present and publish artistic research in a broad sense through the RC platform, with a special emphasis on using multiple modalities other than text to showcase the work (sound, image, film, etc). We use Research in the Arts as an overarching term, drawing on both the research traditions of Artistic Research and Arts-based Research for the design and objectives of the faculty's publication through Research Catalogue