Liesel Dom

South Africa °1990
research interests: performance; landscape; video; sound; installation, Information and communication, Socio-political activism, Internet, digital art, propaganda, philosophy as art, Documentary experimental, Myths, Belief

Liz Dom (b. 1990) is a transmedia artist from Johannesburg, South Africa and MFA graduate from the Art Academy in Trondheim (NTNU) (2022). She is not insistent about a specific practice or medium and prefers an emergent, experimental approach, letting concepts guide visual research and arising narratives where expression and materials respond to theories, often socio-political in nature.

Her artistry investigates and exposes that beneath our daily, seemingly mundane and harmless choices, lie deep ideological motivation for our actions - we are all complicit in the world we create around us, and her work aims to create a stronger awareness of this.

Her artworks have a "learn-by-doing" approach, where the involvement of the viewer as a participant is intended to expose their thoughts and actions as individuals and investigate not only what motivates certain ideologies, but where exactly, in time and space it occurs.


research expositions (collaborated)

research expositions (supervised)