Repository of Music and Sound Works


Please click on a title to go to the listed work. The works are arranged by instrumentation.

String Works

SO(U)LEN(SKIN(NER). Solo F# Violin. 2016.

hearhere: Bredäng. Solo F# Violin. 2016.

Reaktorhallen. (Reactor Hall). Solo F# violin. 2021.
Deuterium: Mimer. Nyckelharpa, 2 Hurdy-Gurdies and F# violin; created in

collaboration with Lisa Gerholm, Fredrik Bergström and Bruno Andersen. 2015.

Deuterium: Dome of Visions. Nyckelharpa, Hurdy-Gurdy and F# violin; created in collaboration with Lisa Gerholm and Bruno Andersen. 2016.

Deuterium: Virkesvägen. Hurdy-Gurdy and F# violin; created in collaboration with Lisa Gerholm and Bruno Andersen, and performed with Bruno Andersen. 2019.

Detroit Gallery (Documentation Lost). Solo F# violin; created in equal collaboration with Jacek Smolicki and Jenny Soep. 2017.

Mixed Strings and Electronics

Walter Benjamin in Ulvsunda. Fixed Media, Mixer Diffusion, Violin and Voice in irregular 47 channel system. 2018.

Radio Ghost Violin, Fixed Media, Four Radios and Four Radio transmitters. 2019.

Organ Works

Cantus Arc. Violin and Organ; created in equal collaboration with Mattias Risberg. 2015.

Ghost Prelude. Organ; created in equal collaboration with Karin Johansson. 2015- 2018.

Under Stjärnvalvets drömmar (Under the Starry Future). Organ (1926 Wurlitzer Unit Orchestra); Additional works for the instrument were created for the concert premiere by Milton Öhrström and Klas Nevrin. 2021.

Multi-Channel Works

Orogenesis. x.1 Fixed Media composition. 2016.
Vart ska dom ta vägen nu? (Where Will They Go Now?). Ambisonics Fixed Media

composition. 2020.

Vädersolsmodernitet (The Sun-Dogs of Modernity). x.1 Fixed Media composition. 2017.

Radiophonic Works

Skogen är bäst på bild (The Forest Looks Best in Pictures). Double stereo Fixed Media composition. 2017.

Nightingale Show. Radio Art programme made for Datscha Radio’s program “Nacht Gärtnern I:Die Nacht der Nachtigallen (Night Gardening I:Night of the Nightingales”). 2019.

Ephemeral Cities. Radio Art programme made for Kate Donovan’s “Elements” program on Cola Bora Dio. 2018.


Virvelns trädgård (The Garden of Verticils). Mp3 players and JBL bluetooth speakers; installed in the garden of Moderna Museet as part of Stockholm Music and Arts. 2016.

Ghost Installation: Cyklopen. 3 Raspberry Pi machines, 6 no-name brand USB Speakers; as part of the Cyklopen 5 year anniversary festival. 2018.

Ghost Installation: Sparvkvarteren. 1 Raspberry Pi machine, 8 JBL Go speakers; as part of the Coyote Collective Exhibition Pioneertown at Virkesvägen 3. 2019.

Ghost Installation: Långholmen. (documentation lost) 1 Raspberry Pi machine, 4 JBL Go speakers. 2018.

Ghost Installation: Gärdet. 8 MiFa A1 speakers; as part of the Sonotopia event produced by the Sound Art as Critical Practice course at Stockholm University for the Arts. 2019.

Ghost Installation: Tomteboda. 8 MiFa A1 speakers. 2021.
Ghost Installation: Rönnells. 8 MiFa A1 speakers. 2022.
Ghost Installation: Internationella Biblioteket. 8 MiFa A1 speakers. 2021.

Ghost Installation: Kafferepet. 8 MiFa A1 speakers. 2022.

Katt Hernandez

The Ephemeral City

Songs for the Ghost Quarters

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