The Research Catalogue (RC) is a non-commercial, collaboration and publishing platform for artistic research provided by the Society for Artistic Research. The RC is free to use for artists and researchers. It serves also as a backbone for teaching purposes, student assessment, peer review workflows and research funding administration. It strives to be an open space for experimentation and exchange.

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Pondering with Pines - Miettii Mäntyjen Kanssa - Funderar med Furor (2025) Annette Arlander
This exposition documents my explorations of pondering with pine trees. Tämä ekspositio dokumentoi yritykseni miettiä mäntyjen kanssa. Den här ekspositionen dokumenterar mina försök att fundera med furor.
open exposition
Debris (Enlightenment Panel no 2) (2025) Zoe Panagiota (aka Betty) Nigianni
Sculpted and painted wood, combined with treated rusty objects. Duct tape with boat paint models for metal sheet sculptures, 2020. Digital drawings, 2021, 2023. Dutch steel sailing boat part-restoration and renovation, Amsterdam (with Sean A. Hladkyj), 2019 until summer 2020. I exposed relief and improvised sculptures made with industrial paints, as well as found objects, to weather conditions, including heavy rain and wind, over a few months on a floating timber raft. Working with the changes the weather was causing to the ad hoc studio, I made changes until the painting was finished, photographed, then dumped. Someone collected the relief. I applied the colours from those available in a symbolic manner, abstracting the view of a ghetto in a large city. The objects stand for the landmarks. The pieces would comprise of the scenography for a theatre performance, informed by my conversations with a theatre lighting technician. The performance would also include a donation event of the art objects. See external link for the theatre play, based on the tradition of the philosophical dialogue and employing the idea of performing philosophy to make it accessible to a wider audience. Political asylum has been traditionally offered to people who flee from their countries of origin and citizenship, because of violations of their dignity, which is a human right, and other basic human rights, such as safety and liberty, due to their political beliefs and related activities, if any. Currently, seven human rights of mine, five basic, have been infringed in the United Kingdom, where I have been a citizen since 2011; the origin is my native Greece. Political asylum is only offered to people, who are non-citizens of the country where asylum is sought from. At the same time, political asylum has become harder to offer, due to the global nature of persecution of whoever is perceived as a dissident by authoritarians. Since 2020, Forza Nuova, the Italian affiliate of the Greek Golden Dawn, has participated in the organised international criminal case, of which I have been the target, originating from my native Greece, "accelerating" in the Netherlands and the UK in 2020, Covid-19. This happened with the theft of my personal details, specifically my Greek driver's license number, by Italians, in Amsterdam, in the winter of 2020. My number was used on three fake Italian driver's licenses,in my name known as (aka), for criminal activity in the UK. My name known as (aka) was also used on three fake Italian passports for fictitious female Albanian citizens. Notably, Roberto Fiore, Forza Nuova's leader, inherited briefly Alessandra Mussolini's post in the EU parliament. All the more so, after mediation with the Albanian government, the Italian government settled in the autumn of 2024 one remaining fake Italian passport for a fictitious Albanian citizen, probably in connection with Golden Dawn, who had their own three MPs in the EU parliament. Rumours have it that Fiore was once upon a time an MI6 agent. It is confirmed that he has ties with the British National Party (BNP), the British XRW component. Drawing on the philosophical notion of impossible objects, the works attempted an indirect postcolonial critique: a suggestion for alternative, autonomous and communitarian lifestyles; and a performative metaphor for global refugees of all kinds. At the time, in autumn 2019, I had attended an environmental protest in Amsterdam that was generally peaceful. Investigatory research with artworks, some of it carried out in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, where I was a philosophy student, from 2017 until late 2019, and remained until the beginning of autumn 2020. I did not have student insurance, as it was obligatory, because I was covered by the NHS through EHIC (European Community coverage), while the UK was still in the EU. I didn't have travel insurance either. Dutch travel insurance, under the reference number E111, was opened by unknowns on my behalf in the summer of 2020, to cover the expenses of routine women's healthcare and family planning tests, but was closed as fraudulent after I reported to the Dutch fraud authority that I didn't open it myself; neither I had any knowledge about who might have done that. I don't have Italian citizenship. Nevertheless, I have one-sixteenth Italian ancestry from a great grandfather on my father's family's side. His first name was Gianni. Locals in Greece, where he moved in the nineteenth century, used his Italian first name to create a Greek surname in order to hellenicise him. The reasons for leaving his native Italy to go to Greece then are unknown; so is his Italian surname. The title "Enlightenment Panel" comes from Peter Sloterdijk's 'Critique of Cynical Reason', published in 1983, which critically discusses philosophical and popular cynicism. This exposition is in progress. See exposition, also in connection with expositions under 'Art and Activism Exposed as Research Blog'.
open exposition
"N.N-Zwischenliegend" - a progressive investigation into errors/eine fortlaufende Untersuchung zu Fehlern (2025) Erika Matsunami
„N.N-Zwischenliegend“: Ich forsche zum Thema "Paradoxität" in einer Kunst (Praxis und Theorie) von einer Dokumentation (Realität) – Zeit, Raum und Körper. Eine künstlerische empirische Forschung. Diese Kunst-Forschung ist die Fortsetzung von der Kunst-Forschung „still/silent“ (This artistic research is the continuation of the artistic research "still/silent" on the leitmotif of peace. (In art, there was and is the subject, but the most important is the leitmotif, whether it will appear in the work of art. Art critic, it will be written on those subjects, materials and their phenomenal events representationally, how it will be reflected generally. It is the same in the film.)). Erster Teil ist N.N-Zwischenliegend - a progressive investigation into errors/eine fortlaufende Untersuchung zu Fehlern (in der Bildwissenschaft und Ästhetik), diese Forschung geht es nicht um digitale photographische Technik, sondern um digitale photographische Technik und experimental Photography heute, und um (Neo-) Repräsentationstheorie (Multimodalität und experimental Dokumentation) : In the part of my artistic research in the N.N-Zwischenliegend project – namely digital photography – I am investigating the potentiality of inspiring errors and imperfection, employing three research methods. First, according to the definition, “errors” in this artistic research are not intentional, but rather are created in the concept by chance due to natural phenomena in the digital camera. In the concept of experimental documentary photography of N.N-Zwischenliegend, I did not try to photograph things (Dinge) and objects (Gegenstände) only, but rather I try to grasp temporal and spatial depth as well as the potentiality of the natural phenomenon. I have implemented this idea in an image with photographic techniques and double exposure, whereby these photographs were combined in the same documentary photo series. Second, I examine the photos for errors from the perspective of different disciplines such as photochemistry, physics, phenomenology, cognitive science, science of images, philosophy, and psychology to reflect whether there are flaws or gaps in the entire N.N-Zwischenliegend series. Third, in the N.N-Zwischenliegend project, I deal with the image as an error or gap with the philosophical reflection on the theme of “estrangement” from the photographic perspective as a narration. If the potential of the fault opened up to us, and if the error thus contributed to an “elasticity” of consciousness or the illusion of depth, I thus question the paradox of seeing in arts, which refers to the question: "Could the fault inspire us in this sense?" To answer this question, in this article, I connect to the evolution of consciousness from the perspective of psychology and neuroscience. “The AST (Attention Scheme Theory) covers a lot of ground, from simple nervous systems to simulations of self and others. It provides a general framework for understanding consciousness, its many adaptive uses, and its gradual and continuing evolution.”1 At the same time, it deals with the question of experimental or digital photography today, its perfection and errors in both the world of artistic photography and digital culture. 1: Graziano, Michael, A New Theory Explains How Consciousness Evolved - A neuroscientist on how we came to be aware of ourselves, The Atlantic, June 2016.
open exposition

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Solastalgia – Toward new collaborative models in an interdisciplinary context (2025) Karin Emilia Hellqvist
This artistic research exposition unfolds the collaborative work on the violin, electronics and video work Solastalgia, from the viewpoint of violinist Karin Hellqvist. Solastalgia is created together with composer Carola Bauckholt and video artist Eric Lanz. During the process, Hellqvist develops the concept of the artistic palette, helping her understand her agency and creativity as a performer. Through sharing materials and reflections from within the artistic process, Hellqvist describes the new work methods that emerge and how they affect the roles of composer and performer. Focus is directed toward ownership, safe space, resources and eco-anxiety. The work’s title is an homage to environmental philosopher Glenn Albrecht’s neologism solastalgia, describing existential distress connected to environmental change. Theory on collaborative composition situate the reflections in the research field that includes Alan Taylor’s typology of working relationships and Lydia Goehr’s concept of Werktreue.
open exposition
[in]visible time (2025) Margarida Dias, Catarina Casais, Cristina Ferreira, Maria Lurdes Gomes
Stages, thoughts and results about the i2ADS project "[in]visible - [in]visibility of identities in Portuguese 1st grade elementary textbooks of Social & Environmental Studies after 1974" (DOI 10.54499/2022.05056.PTDC), funded by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia. + info at
open exposition
‘Crowism’ (2025) DAPHNA REVES
The concept of 'crowism' allows to adapt the qualities of the crow and project them onto humanity's relationship. Like having an observation on the relation between a stat and the people culture motivation. The feature of the crow, takes no burden of humanity society which mean: does not agree taming, presents an individual self-thought, cannot be restrained by regime and cannot be adapted to the pattern of the Western society.
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