The Research Catalogue (RC) is a non-commercial, collaboration and publishing platform for artistic research provided by the Society for Artistic Research. The RC is free to use for artists and researchers. It serves also as a backbone for teaching purposes, student assessment, peer review workflows and research funding administration. It strives to be an open space for experimentation and exchange.

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Pondering with Pines - Miettii Mäntyjen Kanssa - Funderar med Furor (2025) Annette Arlander
This exposition documents my explorations of pondering with pine trees. Tämä ekspositio dokumentoi yritykseni miettiä mäntyjen kanssa. Den här ekspositionen dokumenterar mina försök att fundera med furor.
open exposition
Replicas (2025) Eleni Palogou
What triggered me to start this research is the multiplicity of reality. How something is represented, how it actually is and then how we all perceive it in our very own way. In that sense reality doesn’t exist, only versions of it. The lack of awareness of this multiplicity affects a lot our lives; what we believe, what we take as granted and how he behave.Through this practice based research I am experimenting on how to create moments of surprise and realization for the spectator. I work with copies and representations, replicas as I like to call them. The Replicas can be made of different materials, can be virtual or very physical. Until now I used scale models, mirrors and projections but the list is endless; so are the different ways to use the replicas or the impact that they will have. The way that the replicas are introduced to the spectator and their interaction is also very crucial in my work and another field to research. The movement and the body play a significant role to this. The special relationship that we have with our body, the way that we perceive it and how the movement can reset these relations and affect how we experience things.
open exposition
Material for Gifts from the Sentient Forest (2025) Annette Arlander
This page is under construction It contains material created for and in the context of the research project Gifts from the Sentient Forest at the University of Lapland. See
open exposition

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Noen prosjekter i regi av forskningsgruppen "Artistic Research in Sound and Music" (2025) Trond Lossius, Mathieu Lacroix, Therese Næss Diesen, James Welburn, Carl Svensson, Gunn Tove Grønsberg
Dette er et vedlegg til en presentasjon under INNKU-festivalen (festival for Kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid ved Høgskolen i Innlandet) 30.-31. oktober 2024. I denne eksposisjonen deler vi litt dokumentasjon fra noen av de prosjektene vi omtaler i en samltale mellom medlemmer i forskergruppen.
open exposition
The Extended Chamber Ensemble (2025) Lotta Helga Katarina Karlsson
In this thesis I explore how composing popular music may be influenced by chamber music, and how I can utilise an extended chamber ensemble, formed by classical musicians, band musicians and electronic components can form a sound signature of my own. I also investigate collaboration between performers from diverse musical backgrounds.
open exposition
A performative approach to wool felting : Rhizomatic relations in visual arts making and art education (2025) Samira Jamouchi
This exposition documents the doctoral dissertation “A performative approach to wool felting : Rhizomatic relations in visual arts making and art education” from the University of Agder, Faculty of Fine Arts, 2023. The exposition consists of a PDF of the printed dissertation and a list of the media (film or sound) that is part of the dissertation. As the first combined dissertation in Fine Arts with the specialisation Arts in context submitted to the University of Agder, comprising artistic and scientific works, this research evolves between artistic and written acts. It is a performative exploration of a performative approach to the ancestral technique of wool felting. The dissertation includes six explorations: three public exhibitions, three articles, and a 7th element consisting of a series of ongoing ‘minor’ moments related to the topic of the thesis that I carry out in my everyday practices as an artist, teacher and researcher. Alongside with that, I provide a mantle that is a metatext of the dissertation. In dialogue with the works of Deleuze and Guattari (1980) and Barad (2007), I use concepts that denote a theoretical and philosophical position inspired by an ontology of immanence and agential realism. The pedagogical stance of this research acknowledges Atkinson’s (2015) ideas on the adventure of pedagogy that brings forward the notion of the ‘not-known’. The rhizomatic network connecting the seven explorations is transmitted through four interconnected parts that I call ‘strata’, which is in accordance with my research design. A diffractive reading of the explorations suggests a performative pedagogy that actualises questions related to artistic, pedagogical, and research practices. It underlines the emerging knowledge creation in situ as not-isolated and not pre-existing entities and/or thoughts. Moving between the de-stabilisation–re-stabilisation, de-forming–reforming, and de-territorialisation–re-territorialisation of my practices brings a fruitful in-coherence. My doubts, interrogations, and experimentations might affect the reader, and provoke new thoughts. The mapping of my explorations can create resonance in readers, also in their own contexts – being similar or different. Maybe this could inspire more persons to explore further how one could teach, not only how one should teach. This dissertation is dedicated to those that doubt and ask questions, but also to those that work with certainty, in artistic, pedagogical, and/or research contexts.
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