The Research Catalogue (RC) is a non-commercial, collaboration and publishing platform for artistic research provided by the Society for Artistic Research. The RC is free to use for artists and researchers. It serves also as a backbone for teaching purposes, student assessment, peer review workflows and research funding administration. It strives to be an open space for experimentation and exchange.

recent activities <>

Morten Qvenild – The HyPer(sonal) Piano Project (2024) Morten Qvenild
Towards a (per)sonal topography of grand piano and electronics How can I develop a grand piano with live electronics through iterated development loops in the cognitive technological environment of instrument, music, performance and my poetics? The instrument I am developing, a grand piano with electronic augmentations, is adapted to cater my poetics. This adaptation of the instrument will change the way I compose. The change of composition will change the music. The change of music will change my performances. The change in performative needs will change the instrument, because it needs to do different things. This change in the instrument will show me other poetics and change my ideas. The change of ideas demands another music and another instrument, because the instrument should cater to my poetics. And so it goes… These are the development loops I am talking about. I have made an augmented grand piano using various music technologies. I call the instrument the HyPer(sonal) Piano, a name derived from the suspected interagency between the extended instrument (HyPer), the personal (my poetics) and the sonal result (music and sound). I use old analogue guitar pedals and my own computer programming side by side, processing the original piano sound. I also take out control signals from the piano keys to drive different sound processes. The sound output of the instrument is deciding colors, patterns and density on a 1x3 meter LED light carpet attached to the grand piano. I sing, yet the sound of my voice is heavily processed, a processing decided by what I am playing on the keys. All sound sources and control signal sources are interconnected, allowing for complex and sometimes incomprehensible situations in the instrument´s mechanisms. Credits: First supervisor: Henrik Hellstenius Second Supervisors: Øyvind Brandtsegg and Eivind Buene Cover photo by Jørn Stenersen, All other photo, audio and video recording/editing by Morten Qvenild, unless stated.
open exposition
WCEH 2024 Craftivist (2024) Britta Fluevog
Britta Fluevog, Verena Winiwarter, Anna Svensson & Scott Braun set up a series of craftivist projects, workshops and a makerspace at the world congress of environmental history conference in Oulu, Finland 2024 and this is the documentation of the quilt made through the maker space and a quilting bee workshop.
open exposition
Rogues (2024) Hanns Holger Rutz, Nayari Castillo-Rutz
A work-in-progress artistic research project. Initiated by Hanns Holger Rutz and Nayarí Castillo in autumn 2021, it develops into multiple intermedia objects that involve collaboration between different artists, objects that engage in sensorial exchange among themselves and with humans. This exposition is very much in flux, trying to capture the meanderings of the process.
open exposition

recent publications <>

The Story of Method of Vienna (MoV) or exploring the epistemic idea of rethinking with a rediscovered concert format (2024) Susanne Abed-Navandi
The following article presents the current status of the artistic research project Method of Vienna (MoV) and answers the questions: How can I imagine the MoV initiative in detail? Which methodological approach was chosen? Which MoV events have been realized so far? The presentation ends with a personal reflection after six years of commitment to Method of Vienna, in which current observations, conclusions and the future of the project are put up for discussion.
open exposition
Are you colour deaf? (2024) Phoebe Rousochatzaki
Originating from antiquity, the idea of associating colour with music has been researched extensively in recent decades. The terms for this phenomenon include crossmodal correspondences and synaesthesia (or chromaesthesia), both of which refer to associations our brain makes from stimuli that it perceives through different senses. Correspondence between sound and music, and light and colour, has been a scholarly topic for years—mostly from a scientific point of view. This thesis aims to investigate different views on the subject, focusing on its artistic/aesthetic rather than neurobiological components. Music-colour correspondence was born from the need of philosophers to make sense of both music and the world. Linguistics has proven ambiguous when used to explain or make sense out of music, hence colour has been a very powerful replacement. It is possible to draw parallels between sound and light because of their similar ontological nature (vibration). The goal of this thesis is to prove that such an association can enhance a classical music performance for the audience (as related to engagement) and for the performer (as related to analysis, artistic input). As a case study, Olivier Messiaen’s Theme and Variations is analysed in this rather unconventional colour-coded way. Keywords: synaesthesia, chromaesthesia, crossmodal correspondences, Olivier Messiaen, colour and music.
open exposition
Here I want to be - Wandering through poetic fieldnotes (2024) Amba Klapwijk
In this research I explore how writing poetic fieldnotes relates to my (compositional) practice. I examine a method of repeatedly visiting the same locations, wherever I am at the time, and writing about and reflecting on those situations and places when I'm there. Through this process of exploring and returning I hope to wander into ideas, connections, or otherwise inspirations for my practice.
open exposition

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