Diffracting the Copenhagen Interpretation - Toward Non-Local Collaborative Art Practices
(last edited: 2025)
author(s): Søren Kjærgaard, Carla Zaccagnini
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
'Diffracting the Copenhagen Interpretation: Toward non-local collaborative art practices' investigates the resonances of concepts from quantum theory in the realm of transdisciplinary practice-based artistic research. Throughout a series of protocols using diffractive methodologies, we intend to translate and embody concepts such as spacetime, entanglement, non-locality, uncertainty, indeterminacy, and superpositionality, and embed them as tools for our artistic practices. These concepts were chosen for their singularity in physics, but also for the ways in which they confront ontoepistemic pillars of ‘Modernity’, such as sequentiality, determinacy and separability.
The research is carried out by a transdisciplinary non-local core ensemble formed by Søren Kjærgaard, Amilcar Packer, and Carla Zaccagnini. The cities we inhabit – Copenhagen, Sao Paulo and Malmö – have been our laboratories. Departing from tools and methods learned from each-other's disciplines, we have been creating scores that guide our simultaneous actions while walking on the street –interacting with public spaces and their characteristics– or while lying asleep –in the most private of spheres.
On the one hand, in a practice we call ‘non-local walking’, scores conduct our collective experiencing of our cities, involving a diffractive methodology of reading and listening, and the entangled collecting of objects, words and other affections found in the urban terrain. On the other hand, the ‘entangling dream practice’ experiment is an attempt without aiming at success of meeting each other in our dreams. Both investigations are conceived as boundary-crossing transdisciplinary methodologies through which we create a relational, critical consciousness and sensing that stimulates unexpected outcomes, embracing failure.
These scored performances have resulted in cartographies, drawings, moving sculptures, audio works and writings. Across these various materializations, unexpected connections, constellations, and coincidences e/merge, unveiling yet unheard polyphonies that give resonance to the urban and mental spaces, as potentized terrains awaiting (re)circuitry, and, as fields of forces that await to be (re)experienced.
From threefoldness to multi-foldness
(last edited: 2025)
author(s): Erika Matsunami
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
From threefoldness to multi-foldness: On Personal AI in visual arts and its perception in an artwork – What is artistic authenticity with AI in arts? In this project, I explore practically and theoretically, in particular rethinking philosophical reflection on “A thousand plateaus” (originally published as Mille Plateaux, volume 2 of Capitalisme et Schizophrenic © 1980 by Les Editions de Minuit, Paris) by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. I've been dealing with this book in my project since 2000. Therefore, I agree with the approach "Kunst kommt aus dem Schnabel, wie er gewachsen ist" (the title of an art catalog with 11 disabled artists) by Mosaik e.V. in Berlin, 2011. This artistic research addresses the issue of technology and humanities in arts. (Theorie und Praxis im künstlerischen Schaffensprozess)
Diffracting the Copenhagen Interpretation (DCI)
(last edited: 2024)
author(s): Søren Kjærgaard
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
'Diffracting the Copenhagen Interpretation: Toward non-local collaborative art practices' investigates the resonances of concepts from quantum theory in the realm of transdisciplinary practice-based artistic research. Throughout a series of protocols using diffractive methodologies, we intend to translate and embody concepts such as spacetime, entanglement, non-locality, uncertainty, indeterminacy, and superpositionality, and embed them as tools for our artistic practices. These concepts were chosen for their singularity in physics, but also for the ways in which they confront ontoepistemic pillars of ‘Modernity’, such as sequentiality, determinacy and separability.
The research is carried out by a transdisciplinary non-local core ensemble formed by Søren Kjærgaard, Amilcar Packer, and Carla Zaccagnini. The cities we inhabit – Copenhagen, Sao Paulo and Malmö – have been our laboratories. Departing from tools and methods learned from each-other's disciplines, we have been creating scores to guide our relationship to these urban spaces. The scores conduct our collective experiencing of our cities through a practice we call ‘non-local walking’, involving a diffractive methodology of reading and listening, and the entangled collecting of objects, words and other affections found in the urban terrain. These experiments are conceived as a boundary-crossing transdisciplinary methodology through which we seek to engage with a non-local city, creating a relational, critical consciousness and sensing that stimulates unexpected outcomes.
These scored performances have resulted on cartographies, drawings, moving sculptures, audio works and writings. Across these various materializations of the non-local walks, unexpected connections, constellations, and coincidents e/merge, unveiling yet unheard polyphonies that give resonance to these urban spaces, as potentized terrains awaiting (re)circuitry, and, as fields of forces that await to be (re)experienced.
GLORIES TO NOTHINGNESS: A Music Research Seminar honouring Accademia degli Incogniti and Claudio Monteverdi
(last edited: 2020)
author(s): Elisabeth Laasonen Belgrano, Päivi Järviö, Johannes Boer, Dinko Fabris, Mauro Calcagno, Björn Ross, Charulatha Mani, Elisabeth Holmertz
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
A Music Research Seminar
honouring Accademia degli Incogniti
and Claudio Monteverdi
Palazzo Grimani, Venice
15 June 2017
Nordic Network for Early Opera and Nordic Network for Vocal Performance Research, in collaboration with Scuola di Music Antica Venezia, are delighted to invite you for a performance seminar in Venice 15 June around the theme of vocality, music drama and the vibrant intellectual / artistic scene in Venice around Monteverdi and Accademia degli Incogniti. The idea comes from a desire to offer a fringe-event / sub-encounter / prologue for (among others) participants of the two symposia co-happening in Venice 16-17 June: The Foundazione Cini conference on Monteverdi (16-17 June) and the symposia "Encounters, Discussions, Experimentations: Art, Research and Artistic Research in Music”, the Research Pavilion of the University of the Arts Helsinki, Venice Biennale 2017 (16-17 June)
We are also hoping to meet anyone interested to explore the fairly new academic field of Artistic Research.
15 June 2017
Palazzo Grimani, Ruga Giuffa off Campo Santa Maria Formosa, Venezia,